1.May the chalk be ever in their favor. If the women’s tournament goes chalky for the first few rounds, the Wolfpack will just have to win three games as underdogs to win it all.
2They won’t see Duke again. Or North Carolina. N.C. State’s in-state rivals, whom they lost to once each, are both on the other side of the bracket. The Wolfpack wouldn’t see either team again until a potential national championship game.
3.Hook ‘em, ears! N.C. State can band with Texas over their eerily similar battle symbol, both of which feature raised pinky and index fingers. A one-seed and two-seed, the Longhorns and Wolfpack, respectively, have easily the best combined potential among teams with similar gestures.
4.Home cookin’. N.C. State will stay home the first weekend as a two-seed. Then, the regionals will be in Spokane, Washington, where a wolfpack should thrive. As someone who spent five days in the Cascades against my will, I can attest that I would not have enjoyed meeting a wolf. Much less a wolfpack.
5.All that said, a Baylor Bear or a U.C.L.A. Bruin wouldn’t have been a welcome sight in the woods either. I suppose N.C. State has its work cut out for it.
Steven Miller