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Domination Rankings "All Divisions" - 1/24-12/24

Writer: Dave BarendDave Barend

12/30/2024 - DOMINATION RANKINGS - All Divisions Combined

Real Rankings, Real Jokes, Really

TOP 25 - (AMOV = Average Margin Of Victory)


JCCC's motto is "Changing lives through learning." A fine motto. Although, change sometimes makes lives worse. So I guess it's just an ok motto. But it's definitely better than "Ruining lives through learning."

2.NYU Violets - (W-NCAA D3) - 8-0, AMOV:47.38

Further evidence that the folks at NYU are pretty smart: They waited till after Christmas to play a game against Nazareth.

3.UNION COLLEGE OWLS - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 14-0 - AMOV:42.20

Jelena Perovic recorded her first double-double. Unfortunately, I could not confirm whether she did so while chewing Double Bubble, or whether she's seen the 1992 classic movie Double Trouble. I'll work on it.

4Lincoln Land CC Loggers - (W-NJCAA D2) - 14-0 -AMOV:37.85

Head coach Chad Jones also serves as the MWAC's women's chair. That's impressive. Though here's hoping that sometime soon the MWAC splurges for an actual chair.

5.Kirkwood CC Eagles - (W-NJCAA-D2)-15-0, AMOV:37.90

Kirkwood is located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I note this to make sure you don't confuse it with the Kirkwood located near Antartica. You're welcome.

6.Central Maine C.C. Mustangs (W-USCAA D2) - 12-0 - AMOV:37.33

The school has historically maintained a population of 50% men and 50% women. A brilliant strategy for consistent enrollment.

7. New Mexico JC Thunderbirds - (W-NJCAA-D1) - 15-0 - AMOV:35.78

After a tough victory against Salt Lake, Coach Mefford gave a nice compliment to the players who didn't get in. That's a great coach. I would have been able to receive such praise after every game.

8.CCBC Essex Knights (W-NJCAA D2) - 13-0 - AMOV:36.61

While the school clearly has a stellar basketball team, it doesn't have a football team. Yet NFL Draft analyst Mel Kiper, Jr. is an alum. Yes, for decades we've been taking advice on college players from a man who spent his entire college career not watching a single college game.

9.Scranton Royals - (W-NCAA D3) -10-0, AMOV:36.70

I've learned that a lot of people don't know that Scranton University is a Jesuit school. And I simultaneously learned that a lot of people don't care.

10(tie) College of the Sequoias Giants - (W-CCCAA) -16-0- AMOV:33.00

The California's school's logo is a tree. No word on how often people enroll there thinking it's Stanford.

10(tie) Northeast Miss. CC Tigers (M-NJCAA D1) - 16-0 - AMOV: 33.00

In 2019 Coach Wright was named one of the "hot junior college coaches." No disagreement by his wife.

12.LSU Tigers (W-NCAA D1) - 15-0, AMOV: 33.27

13.Hostus CC Caimans - (W-NJCAA D3) - 12-0 - AMOV:33.90

14.Algonquin Wolves (W-CCAA) - 7-0 - AMOV:34.71

15.Tennessee Volunteers (W-NCAA D1) - 12-0 - AMOV 1039.92

16.Highland CC Scotties (W-NJCAA D2) - 14-0 - AMOV:32.64

17.Chipola Indians - (W-NJCAA D1) - 15-0 - AMOV:31.76

18.Christendom Crusaders - (W-USCAA-D2). -9-0-AMOV:35.33

19.Oakton College Owls - (W-NJCA D2) - 15-0 - AMOV:31.65

20.Lane CC Titans - (W-NWAACC) - 12-0 - AMOV 34.41

21.UCLA Bruins - (W-NCAA D1) - 13-0 - AMOV:32.54

22.Indiana-Wesleyan Wildcats (W-NAIA) - 14-0 - AMOV 30.36

23.Ohio State Buckeyes - (W-NCAA D1) - 12-0 - AMOV:32.08

24.Houghton Highlanders - (W-NCAA D3) - 9-0 - AMOV:31.44

25.Umpqua CC - (W- NWACC) - 11-0 - AMOV:30.45

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Check out It's amazing

12/23/2024 - DOMINATION RANKINGS - All Divisions Combined

Real Rankings, Real Jokes, Really

TOP 20 - (AMOV = Average Margin Of Victory)


On New Year's Eve the team is trekking from its home in Overland Park, Kansas all the way to play Ottawa University. Wow! Well, maybe a little less of a "Wow" once you realize that Ottawa U is also in Kansas - a mere 37 minutes away.

2.NYU Violets - (W-NCAA D3) - 8-0, AMOV:47.38

NYU? And not me?

3.UNION COLLEGE OWLS - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 14-0 - AMOV:42.20

The school’s website has a huge banner that says “Winter Is Coming!” Seems like that’s an unnecessary announcement. Well, here’s hoping it’s an unnecessary announcement.

4Lincoln Land CC Loggers - (W-NJCAA D2) - 14-0 -AMOV:37.85

Their nickname is, appropriately, the Loggers. I love playing with Lincoln Logs.  I mean, I used to love playing with Lincoln Logs. I mean, wouldn't it be weird if I still did? Yeah. Then I defiantly meant used to. 

5.Central Maine C.C. Mustangs (W-USCAA D2) - 12-0 - AMOV:37.33

I just read that "Ella Lavigne rewrote the CMCC Women's Basketball record books Thursday night." But it does not appear she did so with the help of AI. So she will likely not be suspended.

6. New Mexico JC Thunderbirds - (W-NJCAA-D1) - 15-0 - AMOV:35.78

NMJC offers credit for "life experiences.” Which life experiences? I should probably find out. Maybe I’ve already earned a degree.

7.CCBC Essex Knights (W-NJCAA D2) - 13-0 - AMOV:36.61

CCBC Essex has state-of-the art math labs. It's probably important not to misread the “a” in math as an “e”.

8.Northeast Miss. CC Tigers (M-NJCAA D1) - 16-0 - AMOV: 33.00

The Tigers are the most dominant men’s team in all of college basketball. And #8 overall. Who would have thought that there could be so many women more dominant than men? - asked no woman ever.

9.LSU Tigers (W-NCAA D1) - 14-0, AMOV: 34.07

My daughters root for #13 Last-Tear Poa. Not because of her unique name. But because they love Taylor Swift. Yeah, I don’t get it either.

10College of the Sequoias Giants - (W-CCCAA) -16-0- AMOV:33.00

COS goes by the Giants. Yeah, probably a better choice than the Really Funny Felons.

11.Chipola Indians - (W-NJCAA D1) - 14-0 - AMOV:33.60

12.Scranton Royals - (W-NCAA D3) -9-0, AMOV:36.11

13.Kirkwood CC Eagles - (W-NJCAA-D2)-12-0, AMOV:34.46

14.Hostus CC Caimans - (W-NJCAA D3) - 12-0 - AMOV:33.90

15.Algonquin Wolves (W-CCAA) - 7-0 - AMOV:34.71

16.Highland CC Scotties (W-NJCAA D2) - 14-0 - AMOV:32.64

17.Oakton College Owls - (W-NJCA D2) - 15-0 - AMOV:31.65

18.Christendom Crusaders - (W-USCAA-D2). -8-0-AMOV:35.00

19.UCLA Bruins - (W-NCAA D1) - 12-0 - AMOV:32.17

20.Ohio State Buckeyes - (W-NCAA D1) - 12-0 - AMOV:32.08

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Check out It's amazing



They are winning by an average of 52.13 points. Amazing. It's hard to even think about how good this team must be. Though not as hard as thinking about how bad their opponents must be.

2.NYU Violets - (W-NCAA D3) - 8-0, AMOV:47.38

Natalie Bruns was named Athlete of the Week for last week. Because this week hasn't happened yet.

3.SUNY Niagara Thunder Wolves - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 13-0 - AMOV:40.80

One could easily misread SUNY Niagara as SUNNY Niagara. Well, unless you've actually been to Niagara.

4.UNION COLLEGE OWLS - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 13-0 - AMOV:40.61

The team has a mere 68% free throw percentage, a mere 43% field goal percentage and a mere 26% 3 point percentage. And yet they average a whopping 94 points per game. So clearly they have revolutionized basketball by figuring out how to score without shooting.

5. New Mexico JC Thunderbirds - (W-NJCAA-D1) - 14-0 - AMOV:37.84

An article about the school states, "The campus is contained on 243 acres." Contained? Geesh. How wild were these students?

  1. College of the Sequoias Giants - (W-CCCAA) -13-0- AMOV: 36.85

The college has started going by COS for short. This has led to massive increase in enrollment by aspiring super heroes.

7.Central Maine Tech Mustangs (W-USCAA D2) - 12-0 - AMOV:37.33

The health and fitness concerns when the school opened a new Esports arena a few years ago have proven wrong. There has been a drastic decrease at Central Maine in the number of cases of hypothermia and frost bite.

8.CCBC Essex Knights (W-NJCAA D2) - 13-0 - AMOV:36.61

Gissel Gamble goes by "Gigi". I'm guessing that's because of her initials. Either that or she's the only person under the age of 60 who is a fan of Leslie Caron.

9.Kirkwood CC Eagles - (W-NJCAA-D2)-11-0, AMOV:36.69

The bios on the team's website include pronunciations for the last names of head coach Kim Muhl ("moo-ul") and assistant coach Jen Francescon ("fran-ses-ken"). But nothing for assistant coach Britanny West. Is it (we-st) is it (wes-ta)? We'll just have to guess.

10.LSU Tigers - (W-NCAA D1) - 12-0, AMOV: 36.00

In 1939 LSU's president was charged with embezzling $500,000. He had a seemingly solid defense: "Come on, it's Louisiana."

11.Scranton Royals - (W-NCAA D3) -8-0, AMOV:37.88

12.Michigan State Spartans - (W-NCAA D1) - 10-0, AMOV:34.70

13.Grand Valley St Lakers (W-NCAA D2) - 11-0 - AMOV:34.18

14.Highland CC Scotties (W-NJCAA D2) - 14-0 - AMOV:32.64

15.Oakton College Owls - (W-NJCA D2) - 13-0 - AMOV:32.76

16.Christendom Crusaders - (W-USCAA-D2). -8-0-AMOV:35.00

17.Hostus CC Caimans - (W-NJCAA D3) - 10-0 - AMOV:33.90

18.Ohio State Buckeyes - (W-NCAA D1) - 10-0 - AMOV:33.50

19.Chipola Indians - (W-NJCAA D1) - 11-0 - AMOV:32.91

20Lincoln Land CC Loggers - (W-NJCAA D2) - AMOV:32.80

All of the above are women's teams. So as part of our goal of "equal coverage" for men and women, I give you the most dominant men's team:

Nova Southeastern (M-NCAA D2) 10-0 AMOV: 29.70

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Check out It's amazing.

12/9/2024-DOMINATION RANKINGS- Real rankings, with real jokes. No, really.

TOP 15 - (AMOV = Average Margin Of Victory)


The school is located in a town in Kansas called Overland Park. I'd love to live in a park. But I'm not sure Overland Park is for me as I can't possible give up my basement.

2.UNION COLLEGE OWLS - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 10-0 - AMOV:43.59

The school goes by UCNJ to let people know it's New Jersey based. A great marketing strategy, especially if you are trying to attract folks who have never been to New Jersey.

3.NYU Violets - (W-NCAA D3) - 7-0, AMOV:45

They just beat Tufts by 47. Yeah, I know it's cheesy but I'm going to go ahead and say it: that game was not so Tufts.

4.Central Maine CC Mustangs (W-USCAA D2) - 11-0 - AMOV:37.54

This past week they went on impressive run winning 3 games in 3 days. One of those wins was a 94-50 victory over Paul Smith's whose mom then refused to give them any apple pie.


5.SUNY Niagara Thunder Wolves - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 11-0 - AMOV:41.40

Krystal Smith and Anaya Smith had a whopping 9 rebounds a piece in their last game. But they can't take all of the credit for those stats. Some has to go the players who missed the shots.

6. New Mexico JC Thunderbirds - (W-NJCAA-D1) - 11-0 - AMOV:38.53

The school's bio for sophomore Pania Davis notes she "enjoys playing basketball." Makes you wonder how they dug up that info.

7.Michigan State Spartans - (W -NCAA D1) - 9-0 AMOV: 38.33

Michigan State's website proudly proclaims, "We Are Michigan's State University." That's accurate, assuming you don't count Michigan, Or Central Michigan, or Western Michigan, or Eastern Michigan. Or any of the other 11 state universities in Michigan.

8.LSU Tigers - (W-NCAA D1) - 9-0, AMOV: 39.11

In 1906 LSU admitted 16 women as part of an "experimental program." I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure today that would not be illegal.

9.Scranton Royals - (W-NCAA D3) -8-0, AMOV:37.88

Kaci Kranson hit 1000 points during the game against Goucher. That's amazing. But I mean, come on Goucher. You have to be able to hold someone to under 900 points.

10.Kirkwood CC Eagles - (W-NJCAA-D2)-10-0, AMOV:36.66

The school was originally called Area 10 - a blatant attempt to discriminate against residents of Area 54.

11.Hostus CC Caimans - (W-NJCAA D3) - 9-0 - AMOV:36.49

12.Highland CC Scotties (W-NJCAA D2) - 12-0 - AMOV:34.33

13.Grand Valley St Lakers (W-NCAA D2) - 9-0 - AMOV:35.56

14.Houghton Highlanders (W-NCAA D3) - 6-0 - AMOV: 36.73

15.Oakton College Owls - (W-NJCA D2) - 10-0 - AMOV:34.10

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Check out It's amazing.

12/2/2024 - DOMINATION RANKINGS- Real rankings, with real jokes. No, really.


The Cavaliers might be more impressive than the Cavaliers. Yes, I swear that makes sense. With just 4 more straight wins these Cavaliers will have beaten the streak of the Cavaliers. You know, those other ones, in Cleveland.


The school boasts of having 72 acres on the Connecticut coast line. I found that shocking. Though that might be because I forgot Connecticut was on the coast.

3.UNION COLLEGE OWLS - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 8-0 - AMOV:45.37

Bet you can't guess what's on the front and back of sophomore Ore Ogunwolere's jersey. It's "0". Now I know what you're thinking - "Oh." But you're wrong. It's zero.

4.Niagara CC Thunder Wolves - (W-NJCAA-D2) - 9-0 - AMOV:42.50

Last week Niagara CC beat beat Finger Lakes CC who had a whopping 34 turnovers. Yeah, it's not a good sign when there are bodies of water with better hands than your team.

5.Oakton College Owls - (W-NJCA D2) - 8-0 - AMOV:42.12

The team's website makes it clear that Coach Tony Siriscevich Jr. is very dedicated to his players. He obviously works hard and long hours. The website also notes he's a full-time police officer for the Chicago PD. Well, here's hoping his supervising officer doesn't check out that website.

6. New Mexico JC Thunderbirds - (W-NJCAA-D1) - 10-0 - AMOV:39.29

The Domination Rankings have now brought you 2 "Thunder" teams. So I must apologize as I have no explanation for the lack of lightening.

7.Michigan State Spartans - (W -NCAA D1) - 8-0 AMOV: 39.62

In 1863 Michigan State became the first land-grant college. Apparently before then, colleges did not have land.

8.LSU Tigers - (W-NCAA D1) - 9-0, AMOV: 39.11

Not sure how I missed that LSU won its last game by 87. I must have been distracted by Kim Mulkey's clothes.

9.NYU Violets - (W-NCAA D3) - 5-0, AMOV:40.80

I think I've figured out why this team would want to be called the Violets. According to Wikipedia, "The flowers have a superior ovary." There you have it. I'm just not sure it helps explain why Violets is also used by the men's team.

10.Central Maine Tech Mustangs (W-USCAA D2) - 8-0 - AMOV:37.25

The school named itself Central Maine to make sure nobody thought it was in Northern Maine. Because who would want to go to college all the way up in Northern Maine.

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Check out It's amazing.

Domination Rankings - Week of March 14, 2024

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (32-0 - AMOV 35.92) -  52.42 

The Golden Eagles play in the intimate confines of “The Nest.” This makes it tough on opponents and, I’m guessing, the mama eagle.

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (30– - 31.33 AMOV) - 46.33 

Kamilla Cardoso was a McDonalds All-America. Quite impressive. Especially since she’s from Brazil.

3.Johnson County College Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (31-0 - AMOV 29.55) - 45.05

Please tell me that I’m not the only one who sees the irony with there being an absolutely incredible women’s team at Johnson College. 

4. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (31-0 - 29.26) - 44.76

On Saturday, the Pioneers punched their ticket to the Final 4. Apparently they have some anger issues.  

5. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (29-0 - AMOV 27.07) - 41.57

NYU is off to Columbus, Ohio, and with two more wins they’re cutting down the nets.  Should be relatively easy. I mean if they were in New York, they’d need chain cutters. 

6.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (30-0 - AMOV 25.97) - 40.97

Hutchinson CC’s promotional video on its website does a great job displaying its diverse student body. But maybe it went too far. I probably would have cut the close up of the kid wearing an Auburn t-shirt. 

7.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (23-0 - AMOV 27.11) - 38.61 

Alabama’s Women’s Wheelchair team is back. As in back to back to back to back. Hang on, let me make sure I got that right. One, two, three, four. Yup. 4 National Championships is a row. I tend to lose count. Pretty sure they don’t.

8. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (30-0 AMOV 23.60) - 38.60

A substantial portion of West Valley’s logo is a leaf. Not sure how that’s going to attract more students. I mean, it’s not as if anyone would mistake it for a marijuana leaf. Well, except for students smoking marijuana.

9. Northeastern Huskies - Men's Club/NCBBA (30-0 - AMOV 15.18) - 30.18

Northeastern has a wonderful motto: “Light, Truth, Courage.” Though as an educational institution you’d think they might throw one more word in there: Education.

10. Mid-Michigan CC Lakers - Women's NJCAA D2 (25-1 - AMOV 36.04) - 28.54

In addition to Mid Michigan College, there is also Central Michigan, Northern Michigan, Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan, and Southwestern Michigan.  Which begs the question: How the do the students at University of Michigan know where they are?

11. Miami-Ohio Redhawks - Managers Games (6-0 - AMOV 24.08) - 27.08

12. DePaul Blue Demons - Men's Club/NCBBA - (13-0 - AMOV 20.07) - 26.57

13. Iona Gales - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 22.80) - 25.80

14. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (26-1 - AMOV 32.77) - 25.77

15. Boston College Eagles - Men's Club/NCBBA (18-0 AMOV 16.78) - 25.77

16. Butte College Road Runners - Women's CCCAA (29-1 - AMOV 30.83) - 25.33

17.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (28-1 - AMOV 28.66) - 22.66

18. Ashland Eagles - Women's NCAA D2 (30-1 - AMOV 26.94) - 21.94

19. Xavier Musketeers - Club/NCBBA (14-0 - AMOV 14.86) - 21.86

20. Kentucky Wildcats - Manager Games (9-0 - AMOV 16.78) - 21.28

21. Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAA-D3 - (26-1 - AMOV 29.50) - 21.26

22. Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (10-0 - AMOV 17.7) - 21.08

23. Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (32-1 - AMOV 25.00) - 21.00

24. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA D3 (30-1 - AMOV 25.71) - 20.71

25. Webster Gorloks - Women's NCAA D3 - (27-1 - AMOV 27.14) - 20.64

26. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (29-1 - AMOV 26.03) - 20.53

27. Illinois State Red Birds - Manager Games (10-0 - AMOV 14.10) 19.1

28. Minnesota Golden Gophers - Manger Games 6-0 AMOV 16.00) 19.00

29. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (30-1 - AMOV 23.74) - 18.74

30. Columbia Basin Hawks - Women's NWAC (22-1 - AMOV 24.90)

31.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (30-1 -AMOV 22.06)

32. Carleton Ravens - Women's U Sports (24-1 - AMOV 24.66)

33. North Dakota St. College of Science - Men's NJCAA D1 (30-1 - AMOV 21.32)

34.Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (30-1 - AMOV 20.68)

35. Marian Knights - Women's NAIA (30-1 - AMOV 20.19)

36 Jefferson University Rams- Women's NCAA D2 (29-1 AMOV 20.07) 14.57

37. Fairfield Stags - Women's NCAA D1 (28-1 - AMOV 19.67)

38. Grand Canyon Lopes - Manager Games (7-0 - AMOV 10.28) - 13.78

39. Marquette Golden Eagles - Manager Games (8-0 AMOV 9.73)

40. Montgomery Mustangs - Mens' NJCAA D3 (27-1. -AMOV 19.00)

41. Barton Cougars - Men's NJCAA D1 (28-1 - AMOV 17.14)

42. Algonquin College Wolves - Women's CCAA (17-1 - AMOV 24.58) -  10.49

43. Chattanooga St. CC Tigers - Women’s NJCAA D1 (24-1 AMOV 17.80)

44. Wabash Valley Warriors - Women's NJCAA D1 (23-2 -AMOV 38.24)

45.National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (24-1 - AMOV 17.40)

46 SAU Tech Rockets - Women’s NJCAA D2 (16-1 AMOV 15.82)

47.SUNY Cobleskill Fighting Tigers - Women’s NCAA D3 (25-2 AMOV 32.22)

48.Kirkwood CC Eagles - Women’s NJCAA D2 (30-2 AMOV 28.91) 

49. Onondaga CC Lazers - Women’s NJCAA D3 (26-2 - AMOV 29.61)

50.Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (24-2 - AMOV 27.71)

Week of 3/4/2024

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (32-0 - AMOV 36.89) - Where does this team get its fire, you ask? Well I think found it - on their bench in the form of Coach Brandi Fier. Yes, she literally brings “fi-er”. Though I guess it’s possible that she actually pronounces her name “fear”. In that case, please disregard all of the above.

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (29-0 - 32.17 AMOV) -South Carolina Gamecocks’ online bookstore is running a promotion called, “Give The Gift Of Games.” Got to wonder if they had another idea.

3.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (29-0 - AMOV 30.55) According to their website, “Faculty and staff have won many awards for excellence.” You know, as opposed to awards for non-excellence.

4. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (28-0 - 31.56) - Transylvania has a silent Y. The school, however, goes by Transy which I’m willing to bet does not have a silent Y.

5. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (29-0 - AMOV 27.13) - The team plays in the Murray Center. It’s named after sisters Mary and Catherine Murray, two RIC alum. And not after Murray the dog from Mad About You. (Yes, a Mad About You reference - way too old for my daughter, and way too recent for my dad.)

6.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (29-0 - AMOV 26.52) - Hutchinson beat Coffeyville. Not surprising. What is surprising is that I found no evidence that Coffeyville is sponsored by Starbucks.

7. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (27-0 - AMOV 41.09)

The team plays at home in the Sweet 16 on Friday. And there you have the first time ever that anyone from New York has been labeled sweet.

8.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (21-0 - AMOV 27.41) Loeiza Vari Le Roux has helped her team crush every single opponent at home by an average of 30 points.Though clearly impressive, one thing remains unclear: how can she possibly be majoring in hospitality?

9. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (29-0 AMOV 23.80) - Superstar Elijah Mahi averages over 16 points per game, almost 7 rebonds per game, and almost 5 assists per game. According to his bio basketball is his hobby. Imagine how good he must be at the thing he takes seriously.

10. Northeastern Huskies - Men's Club/NCBBA (30-0 - AMOV 15.18) - Northeastern is #1 in Club. Just call them college hoop’s version of Studio 54.

11. Algonquin College Wolves - Women's CCAA (17-0 - AMOV 24.58) - 33.08

12. Mid-Michigan CC Lakers - Women's NJCAA D2 (24-1 - AMOV 37.32) - 29.32

13. Boston College - Men's Club/NCBBA (14-0 AMOV 21.57) - 28.57

14. DePaul Blue Demons - Men's Club/NCBBA - (13-0 - AMOV 20.07) - 26.57

15. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (25-1 - AMOV 33.80) - 26.30

16. Iona Gales - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 22.80) - 25.80

17. Butte College Road Runners - Women's CCCAA (28-1 - AMOV 31.00) - 25.00

18.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (28-1 - AMOV 28.66) - 22.66

19. Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (10-0 - AMOV 17.7)

20. Kentucky Wildcats - Manager Games (8-0 - AMOV 17.88)

20. Xavier Musketeers - Club/NCBBA (14-0 - AMOV 14.86)

21. Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAA-D3 - (26-1 - AMOV 29.50) - 21.26

22. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA D3 (30-1 - AMOV 25.71) - 20.71

23. Ashland Eagles - Women's NCAA D2 (27-1 - AMOV 27.18)

24. Webster Gorloks - Women's NCAA D3 - (27-1 - AMOV 27.14) -

25. Toledo Rockets - Manager Games (7-0 - AMOV 16.85) - 20.35

26. Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (29-1 - AMOV 25.40) - 19.90

27. Illinois State Red Birds - Manager Games (10-0 - AMOV 14.10) 19.1

28. Minnesota Golden Gophers - Manger Games 6-0 AMOV 16.00) 19.00

29. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (30-1 - AMOV 23.74)

30. Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (22-1 - AMOV 27.39) - 18.39

31. Columbia Basin Hawks - Women's NWAC (22-1 - AMOV 24.90)

32.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (29-1 -AMOV 22.10)

33. Carleton Ravens - Women's U Sports (24-1 - AMOV 24.66)

34. North Dakota St. College of Science - Men's NJCAA D1 (30-1 - AMOV 21.32)

35.Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (28-1 - AMOV 21.28)

36. Marian Knights - Women's NAIA (29-1 - AMOV 20.50)

37 Jefferson University Rams- Women's NCAA D2 (27-1 AMOV 20.64) 14.14

38. Grand Canyon Lopes - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 11)

39. Marquette Golden Eagles - Manager Games (7-0 AMOV 10.26)

40. Fairfield Stags - Women's NCAA D1 (26-1 - AMOV 19.67)

41. Montgomery Mustangs - Mens' NJCAA D3 (27-1. -AMOV 19.00)

42. Barton Cougars - Men's NJCAA D1 (27-1 - AMOV 16.89)

43.National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (24-1 - AMOV 17.40)

44. South Plains Texans - Men’s NJCAA D1 (27-1 AMOV 15.82)

45 SAU Tech Rockets - Women’s NJCAA D2 (16-1 AMOV 15.82)

46. Wabash Valley Warriors - Women's NJCAA D1 (22-2 -AMOV 37.92)

47. Southern Nazarene Crimson Storm - Women’s NCAA D2 (27-1 AMOV 14.54)

48. Chattanooga St. Tech - Women’s NJCAA D1 (22-1 AMOV 15.74)

49.SUNY Cobleskill Fighting Tigers - Women’s NCAA D3 (25-2 AMOV 32.22)

50.Kirkwood CC Eagles - Women’s NJCAA D2 (29-2 AMOV 29.10)

Domination Rankings - 2/25/2024 - with hopefully humorous comments

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (30-0 - AMOV 37.13) - Coach Darryl Watkins notched his 100th victory this past week. Impressive. And now to catch Geno Auriemma he only needs 1,103 more.

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (27-0 - 32.89 AMOV) - South Carolina's Women kicked butt again this weekend - a statement that might be disputed by Nikki Haley.

3. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (27-0 - 31.56) - Some say Transylvania University is the oldest academic institution of high learning in Kentucky. Others say Transylvania University is the only academic institution of higher learning in Kentucky.

4. Webster Gorloks - Women's NCAA D3 - (27-0 - AMOV 28.70) - The school admitted only women until 1962. Those first few male students then received an education in shooting and fishing. And in a barrel.

5.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAA-D3 - (24-0 - AMOV 29.50) - Darnell Askew was named Player of the Year for Region 19. And I'd just like it known that I don't believe the conspiracy theory that Region 19 is where the league sends all of its players with COVID-19.

6. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (27-0 - AMOV 27.59) - These Anchorwomen could end up as the best in the country. Hmm. I wonder how that will sit with Ron Burgundy .

7.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (27-0 - AMOV 27.37) - Kiki Smith scored 24 points, on February 24, 2024 while wear jersey number - yup - 23.

8. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (24-0 - AMOV 27.37) - NYU's motto is "To persevere and

to excel." Seems like that should be "To persevere and then to excel." Or maybe they are teaching just some students to excel. While others learn to fail over and over and over.

9.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (21-0 - AMOV 27.41) Alabama's Women's Wheelchair team plays in the world class Stran-Hardin Arena. According to their website, it "is the largest and biggest facility dedicated to adapted athletes in the world." Yes, both the largest and the biggest.

10. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (28-0 AMOV 23.57) - The school opened in a building that had been previously declared unsafe in earthquakes. This led to a decision not to offer seismology.

11.Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (26-0 - AMOV 23.77)

12.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (22-0 - AMOV 25.45)

13. UCLA Bruins - Men's Club/NCBBA - (9-0 - AMOV 34.16)

14.Algonquin College Wolves - Women's CCAA (15-0 - AMOV 26.33)

15. DePaul Blue Demons - Men's Club/NCBBA - (9-0 - AMOV 30.50)

16. Northeastern Huskies - Men's Club/NCBBA (30-0 - AMOV 15.18)

17. Miami-Ohio Redhawks - Manager Games (5-0 - AMOV 27.4)

18.National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (23-0 - AMOV 18.30)

19. Boston College - Men's Club/NCBBA (14-0 AMOV 21.57)

20. Mid-Michigan CC Lakers - Women's NJCAA D2 (21-1 - AMOV 37.68)

21. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (24-1 - AMOV 34.12)

22. Iona Gales - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 22.80)

23. Butte College Road Runners - Women's CCCAA (27-1 - AMOV 31.26)

24. Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (10-0 - AMOV 17.7)

25.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (27-1 - AMOV 29.14)

27. Vanderbilt Commodores - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 19.50)

28. Kentucky Wildcats - Manager Games (8-0 - AMOV 17.88)

29. Xavier Musketeers - Club/NCBBA (14-0 - AMOV 14.86)

30. Toledo Rockets - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 18.16)

31. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA D3 (27-1 - AMOV 26.54)

32. Illinois State Red Birds - Manager Games (9-0 - AMOV 15.11)

33. Ashland Eagles - Women's NCAA D2 (25-1 - AMOV 26.96)

34. Minnesota Golden Gophers - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 16)

35. Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (22-1 - AMOV 27.39)

36. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (27-1 - AMOV 25.14)

37. Christopher Newport Captains - Women's NCAA D3 (26-1 - AMOV 23.41)

38. Carleton Ravens - Women's U Sports (21-1 - AMOV 25.68)

39.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (27-1 -AMOV 22.32)

40. North Dakota St. College of Science - Men's NJCAA D1 (28-1 - AMOV 21.21)

41.Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (26-1 - AMOV 21.44)

42. Columbia Basin Hawks - Women's NWAC (19-1 - AMOV 24.90)

43. Triton Trojans - Men's NJCAA D1 (26-1 - AMOV 20.33)

44. Marian Knights - Women's NAIA (27-1 - AMOV 19.11)

45 Jefferson University Rams- Women's NCAA D2 (25-1 AMOV 19.62)

46. Montgomery - Mens' NJCAA D3 (24-1. -AMOV 19.68)

47. Fairfield Stags - Women's NCAA D1 (24-1 - AMOV 19.56)

48. Walters State Senators - Men's NJCAA D1 (19-1 - AMOV 22.00)

49. Wabash Valley Warriors - Women's NJCAA D1 (20-2 -AMOV 40.00)

50. Barton Cougars - Men's NJCAA D1 (25-2 - AMOV 16.92)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

164 - UConn Huskies - Men's NCAA D1 (25-3 - AMOV 17.18)

Trip to Omaha,

Top of the polls, all smiles,

Too cool, play the fool 

-James Dunn, UConn grad & Haiku master

438 - Bentley Falcons - Women's NCAA D2 (22-5 AMOV 11.00) 

Bentley defeated the College of Saint Rose to reach the 20 win mark for the 36th time in school history.  Sadly for Saint Rose, this will be their final season as the school shuts its doors in June 2024 due to being 48 million dollars in debt; coincidentally also for the 36th time in their school history. Spotted in the crowd for the match were pardoned junk bond dealer, Michael Milken, and well known CEO of Debt Consolidation, Chris Carter. Not sure why, but maybe next year in the Atlantic 10 standings we'll see a new team called the University of 1-800 debt collection. It will be the only team in NCAA history with two numbers next to its record. One reflecting its basketball ranking in the country followed by its junk bond rating. Sorry, just whistling by the graveyard. - Paul Nardizzi

503 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Women's NCAA D1 (21-6 AMOV 19.19)

Notre Dame's win over Clemson on Thursday came on "senior night". However, the 3 seniors on the team are all juniors in eligibility. So I imagine the emotional pre game festivities were along the lines of ... thanks for everything, see you at practice in a few months? - Rick Condon

569.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (23-6 AMOV 9.90) - Vermont (23-6): UVM pounded Bryant yesterday. The Catamounts have two remaining regular season games/wins and three remaining wins in the America East tournament before they lose to a one or a two seed on a Thursday night at 9:57 PM or Friday afternoon at 2:45 PM. - Clayton Trutor

697 Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's NCAA D1 (20-7 - AMOV 11.81)

The Fighting Illini were left without any fight in them at the end of their recent game against Penn State. They were up by 7 points with 37 seconds left. Missed shots, missed free throws, terrible defense, turnovers, and a Coleman Hawkins foul on a three-point attempt that allowed Penn State to hit all three and escape with a win made this ending even worse than the series finale of Seinfeld. Serenity now! - Mike Hurley

743. Washington State Cougars - Men's NCAA D1 (21-7 - AMOV 8.04)

The most Wazzu thing ever was the Cougs winning at projected 1 seed Arizona as a two-TD dog and then turning around and losing to the Sun Bleeping Devils as a road favorite. Now still projected safely in the NCAAs for the first time since 2008, the entire fanbase eagerly awaits the quick rise of the next global pandemic to wipe the event fully off the schedule.- Shawn O'Neal

860 Kentucky Wildcats - Men's NCAA D1 (19-8 - AMOV 10.78)

Kentucky completed a 1-1 week with a one point loss to LSU down in the Bayou of Baton Rouge….. only to return home and blast ‘Bama on Saturday 117-95. The Bama defense, eerily reminiscent of the hallmark matador defenses of the Paul Westhead Loyola Marymount squads of the late 80’s, put on another impressive display with their 5th game of allowing 90 or more, matching the ‘Cats stellar record. It remains to be seen how either of these two SEC defensive stalwarts will handle any squad that shows even the slightest of effort beyond defensive indifference. - Kevin Florenz, honorary alum

1040- Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (19-9 AMOV 11.39)

Bentley Men’s hoop faces Franklin Pierce as they continue to streak towards the playoffs with a five game win streak.  Franklin Pierce it should be noted was the 14th President of the US, and was a staunch pro slavery advocate whose statue, which stands outside the NH State House, somehow survived the very recent spree of statue toppling that gripped the country.  I once questioned someone about this, resulting in the following exchange. - Paul Nardizzi


Me: You go to Franklin Pierce? He was pro slavery ya know.

Student replies: I don’t think so. “Pro” slavery…?  I’m no history expert, but pro?  I’ll double check but I’m pretty sure that none of those guys were getting  paid.” - Paul Nardizzi

1123. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (18-9- AMOV 5.70)

It was a light week for the Friars, but an important one.  A coveted "quad 1" win on the road over X (the team formerly known as Twitter, I mean, Xavier).  Friars will need to likely go 3-1 down the stretch and need one of those wins to be over Marquette or big deal.  Right now some have them as "last four in."  Others, "first four out."  And apparently, there's a "next four out?" How many "outs" do we need? Seems like anything after "first four out" is just...out.   As in, "not in."  - Mike Rusconi

1296. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (17-10- AMOV 6.30)

The Bonnies of St. Bonaventure went into the den at UMass as 5 point under dogs and came out as victors 75-67 in a must win game in an attempt to finish in the top 4 of the A10. Mika Adams Woods played 35 minutes producing  14 points and 5 assists while Chad Venning popped in 16 points and 10 rebounds. It doesn't get any easier for the Bonnies as they take on Loyola of Chicago in the Reilly Center where even Sister Jean may find the crowd a bit hostile - the Bona faithful take no prisoners when the games get big down the stretch !!! - James Healy

After a 1-1 week, with a loss in Philly to La Salle and a win in Amherst vs UMass, two things were abundantly clear…..any postseason opportunities for this team will be exclusively reliant on the A-10 tourney with the Beastie Boys cranking up “No Sleep Till Brooklyn” . . . And obscure state map drawings adorning an A-10 court, eerily resembling the AFLAC duck swinging a pickaxe, is not aesthetically pleasing to the viewer….. - Kevin Florenz

1590.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (13-11 AMOV 1.75)

The Lady Quakers defeated Cornell 61-54, spurred by a hellacious 17-2 fourth quarter surge. Cornell’s Big Red Bear mascot was so infuriated that he began foaming at the mouth and mauled a referee. - David Yas

2150. Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (14-14 AMOV 1.68)

In a week that started out downright frightful, Penn State’s week ended amazingly delightful. The week began with the announcement on Monday that then-leading scorer Kanye Clary was no longer with the team because of a “coach’s decision”—now ain’t that a kick in the head.  The Nittany Lions took that burden back to the cozy confines of Rec Hall on Wednesday, where they stunned #12 Illinois 90-89, rallying back from a double-digit deficit—including a 7-point deficit in the final 36 seconds—with junior forward Zach Hicks sinking all 3 free throws with 3 seconds remaining to secure the win and send the faithful off to their own marshmallow world in the winter.  Penn State then returned to the spacious Bryce Jordan Center on Saturday to defeat Indiana 83-74, led by senior Ace Baldwin, Jr.’s 23 points on a night where the full moon outside hit your eye like a big pizza pie.  No doubt that even Dean Martin would be proud of this team. "Now that's amore." - Michael Dinga Class of '86

2562.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (10-16 AMOV 0.69) -

The University of Pennsylvania’s motto is the Latin phrase "Leges sine Moribus vanae," which translates into English as “Laws without morals are useless.” After dropping to a dismal 2-9 in the Ivy League, the new motto is "Scelerisque dolor sed ultrices at terribilia” which translates to “We’re smart, but we suck at basketball.” - David Yas

2634 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Men's NCAA D1 (12-16 - AMOV -4.50)

Georgia Tech had a big comeback win on the road in Miami to cap off a week where they went 2 for 3. The late, great Meatloaf said “2 out of 3 ain’t bad”. In college, that was a D, which was my grade in Electromagnetics 1 going into the final. If not for a comeback win of my own in the final, I would have never achieved that C for the class!  #Winning - Chris Pelc

2786 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Men's NCAA D1 (10-17 AMOV -2.48)

Syracuse survived a furious comeback attempt on Saturday to beat Notre Dame on "Jim Boeheim Day."  A post game ceremony honored the man who in 47 years as head coach at his alma mater amassed over 1,000 wins and a National Championship in 2003. He is a legend. Although thanks to a certain former reality television star turned politician, he is no longer the most famous orange man from New York. - Rick Condon

3529 St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Women's NCAA D1 (4-22 - AMOV -11.19)

St. Bonaventure lost 61-83 against Saint Louis this past Sunday. Meanwhile, I’m still trying to figure out what's a Billiken. Or for that matter, a Bonnie. - Isaac Howson

3700.Stonehill Skyhawks - Men's NCAA D1 - (4-25 AMOV -12.17)  

Stonehill is in year two of the four year NCAA Division 1 reclassification period. This NCAA rule is in place to make sure teams are committed to the D1 level. At 4-25 The Skyhawks are showing a commitment to…um…ahh…um…apple sauce. . . .In addition to notching their fourth win of the season this week the team also honored six seniors: grad student Max Zegarowski, Pano Pavlidis, Will Rywolt, Jackson Benigni, Shane O’Dell and Thatcher Stone whose name sounds like a paint color.   -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 2/18/2024 - with hopefully humorous comments

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (28-0 - AMOV 37.14) - Rock Valley named its mascot Arvee. Apparently they were having problems with people mispronouncing RV.

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (25-0 - 32.48 AMOV) - The front page of the school's website touts, "You can build a future from more than 350 degrees." Though what kind of future will you have left after you obtain more than 350 degrees?

3. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (25-0 - 31.72) - Last week they beat Earlham. And yes, I looked, and nowhere on their schedule is Honey ham. Phew. Because I'd have a hard time rooting against Honey ham.

4. Webster Gorloks - Women's NCAA D3 - (25-0 - AMOV 29.76) - Bethany Lancaster finished her senior night with a game high 25 points and 8 assists. This contrasts drastically with most other senior nights which finish with some light crocheting and a still not completed puzzle.

5.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAA-D3 - (24-0 - AMOV 29.50) - Brookdale beat Harrisburg CC 113-55. Manny Bell scored an impressive 26 points. Not sure what the team would do without him. Probably only win by 32.

6. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (25-0 - AMOV 28.12) - With 6' 1" Angelina Nardolillio and 6'0" Maggie Schwab, RIC is crushing everyone in the Little East Conference. Geesh, imagine what they'd do in the Lilliputians Conference.

7.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (25-0 - AMOV 27.04) - The school is located in Hutchinson, Kansas which when founded required the forfeiture of one's land if found with alcohol. That law had much greater support than an alternative: forfeiture of one's alcohol.

8. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (24-0 - AMOV 27.37) - I want to root for this team, but as a parent I'm torn. Uh Dave, what do you mean. Well, for whatever reason when I see NYU I hear Ny-you. And? And that sounds like Caillou. And? And no parent can be in favor of anything that even sounds like Caillou.

9.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (21-0 - AMOV 27.41) "Bama" - a perfect description of how teams feel when they play these women. First comes a "Bam" with a barrage of scoring. Then they look at the scoreboard and say "Uh".

10. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (27-0 AMOV 23.67) - Given that the team is from California, I figured they'd go by the West Valley Girls. But turns out West Valley is Saratoga, not San Fernando. And the team is comprised of men, not women.

11.Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (25-0 - AMOV 23.80)

12.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (19-0 - AMOV 25.84)

13.Algonquin College Wolves - Women's CCAA (14-0 - AMOV 27.10)

14. DePaul Blue Demons - Men's Club/NCBBA - (6-0 - AMOV 28.25)

15. Miami-Ohio Redhawks - Manager Games (5-0 - AMOV 27.4)

16. Northeastern Huskies - Men's Club/NCBBA (28-0 - AMOV 15.56)

17.South Plains Texans - Men's NJCAA D1 (25-0 - AMOV 16.36)

18.National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (20-0 - AMOV 17.60)

19.SUNY Cobleskill Fighting Tigers - Women's NCAA D3 (25-1 - AMOV 34.08)

20. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (21-1 - AMOV 34.71)

21. Butte College Road Runners - Women's CCCAA (26-1 - AMOV 31.26)

22. Iona Gales - Manager Games (5-0 - AMOV 20.60)

23.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (23-1 - AMOV 31.26)

25. Mid-Michigan CC Lakers - Women's NJCAA D2 (18-1 - AMOV 33.06)

26. Vanderbilt Commodores - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 19.50)

27. Kentucky Wildcats - Manager Games (8-0 - AMOV 17.88)

28. Boston College - Men's Club/NCBBA (8-0 AMOV 17.60)

29. Toledo Rockets - Manager Games (6-0 - AMOV 18.16)

30. Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (8-0 - AMOV 16.5)

31. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA D3 (22-1 - AMOV 27.91)

32. Ashland Eagles - Women's NCAA D2 (23-1 - AMOV 26.54)

33. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (25-1 - AMOV 25.12)

34. Dordt Defenders - Women's NAIA (25-1 - AMOV 24.58)

35. Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (25-1 AMOV 24.58)

36. Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (20-1 - AMOV 26.68)

37. Jefferson CC - Women's NJCAA D3 (20-1 - AMOV 26.52)

38. Christopher Newport Captains - Women's NCAA D3 (24-1 - AMOV 24.24)

39. Carleton Ravens - Women's U Sports (21-1 - AMOV 25.68)

40. Columbia Basin Hawks - Women's NWAC (17-1 - AMOV 27.33)

41. Grand Valley State Lakers - Women's NCAA D2 (21-1 - AMOV 25.05)

42.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (25-1 -AMOV 22.23)

43.Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (24-1 - AMOV 22.40)

44. North Dakota St. College of Science - Men's NJCAA D1 (25-1 - AMOV 21.81)

45. Catholic Cardinals - Women's NCAA D3 (24-1 - AMOV 22.12)

46 Jefferson University Rams- Women's NCAA D1 (23-1 AMOV 20.46)

47. Triton Trojans - Men's NJCAA D1 (24-1 - AMOV 19.88)

48. Copiah-Lincoln Wolves Women's NJCAA D1 (22-1 - AMOV 20.83)

49. Marian IN - Women's NAIA (25-1 - AMOV 19.31)

50. Bryant & Stratton (Virginia) - Women's NJCAA D2 (22-1 - AMOV 20.68)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

351 - Bentley Falcons - Women's NCAA D2 (20-4 AMOV 11.75) 

In last week's CBT Domination Rankings post, I may have jinxed the women's team at Bentley University.  I praised them up and down for their winning ways, and they subsequently got hammered by Assumption, and lost to SNHU as well.  There's the SI cover jinx, and now the Domination Rankings jinx.  In the game against Assumption, the Falcons shot 2 of 16 from the three point mark. That's only two more threes than you and I had, and we didn't even play.  I'm going to try to undo the jinx by saying this two game losing streak is an amazing feat of consistency, backed by a dizzying display of turnover laden basketball and  a sizzling 12 % hit mark on threes. Hopefully they can keep up their losing ways  - Paul Nardizzi

613 Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's NCAA D1 (19-6 - AMOV 12.40)

The Fighting Illini came roaring back, after dropping out of the AP Top Ten, with two conference wins. They destroyed Michigan 97-68 that was even more lopsided than the score indicated. One of Michigan's players is a 3-star recruit from Minnesota named Will Tschetter, pronounced "Cheddar." While that might sound kinda cool for a TV commentator when he scores ("Give me some Cheddah!!"), he still doesn't have one of the top food names in basketball. Here are my all-time favorites. 5. Spud Webb - NC State, 4. Dwayne Bacon - Florida St, 3. Lynbert "Cheese" Johnson - Wichita St, 2. "Hot Sauce" (aka Phillip Champion) - Streetball phenom, 1. Cornelius "Cornbread" Walker - Kentucky Wesleyan 

648.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (21-6 AMOV 9.48)

The Catamounts improved to 21-6 with a road win over Maine. Maine's lack of competitiveness in recent years has led America East officials to consider trading the entire state of Maine to Canada for Prince Edward Island and an Atlantic Province to be named later.  - Clayton Trutor

660 Washington State Cougars - Men's NCAA D1 (20-6 - AMOV 9.00)

In the midst of one of the best runs in program history, Wazzu will likely enter the polls as it heads to the desert where optimists hope for a split with the Arizona schools, pessimists expect a seed-degrading sweep and realists expect two losses and some kind of inexplicable event that will end all this crazy excitement we’ve all been forced to endure over the past month. - Shawn O'Neal

793 Kentucky Wildcats - Men's NCAA D1 (18-7 - AMOV 10.80)

The ‘Cats went down to Auburn and pulled off the upset on Saturday, beating Auburn, to cap a 2-0 week, where they held both opponents under 64 points. The coaching staff found a working Betamax and watched film on how to defend the Karl Malone – John Stockton Utah Jazz pick and roll after getting torched by Florida, Tennessee and Gonzaga. Post game, Coach Cal highlighted the ability to defend the complicated offensive scheme, and committed to travel to Indianapolis on Sunday to further enhance his defensive chops by earnestly studying the defensive display at the NBA All-Star game. Much to the surprise of the Big Blue Nation, Calipari’s contract apparently contains clauses for SEC Championships and NBA "All Star” bonuses based on quantity of UK players in the game only, as opposed to National Championships. This season’s road should end somewhere before the Glendale city limit signs! - Kevin Florenz, honorary alum

951- Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (18-8 AMOV 10.73)

Bentley Men's hoop faced St. Michaels on Valentine's Day.  I think in honor of the holiday, the players should have attempted to kiss every shot off the glass, squeeze  their opponents on defense, hug the baseline and of course, bang the boards.  Bang the boards is a basketball expression, so if you went there, sorry, that's on you. Get some help. - Paul Nardizzi

1186. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (16-9- AMOV 7.00)

The Bonnies pulled out a one point overtime victory over Davidson 81-80 in front of a packed house on a frigid alumni weekend!! At the end of overtime there was more drama than a bus full of strippers on their way to the Vatican. Bonnies clinging to a 3 point lead allowed Davidson to rebound their own 3 point shot attempt and take a desperate 3 pointer that went in at the buzzer only to await the decision if the shooter was behind the line or not. The television announcers were screaming it was a 3 pt shot and looking at a foul leading to a 4 point shot and a victory  - but in the end there was no foul and it was decided it was a 2 point shot and a Bona victory!!!! Up next the Bonnies travel to Philadelphia to take on the La Salle Explorers!!  - James Healy

The Bonnies capped off a two win week by edging Davidson 81-80 on Saturday. In the spirit of Lent, the Refs gaveth the three, then tooketh the three away after Connor Kochera’s OT three point buzzer attempt was correctly deemed a two on review. The CBS announcing crew, apparently in a replay blackout cave far far away, suggested there was no clear evidence that would overturn the three call on the court, while musing about a fictitious foul call that was NEVER made…..let’s add non on-site virtual broadcasts from a far to the liability side of the COVID ledger. Nonetheless, a happy Bona student crowd hummed “Burgers and Fries and Cherry Pies” on the march to Hickey….in honor of Charley Pride…as the Bonnies were led by, Charles Pride’s, no relation, 15 points, matched by Chad Venning and Assa Essamvous. - Kevin Florenz

1204. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (17-9- AMOV 5.77)

For the first time in a while, Providence College put together two wins in a row, keeping NCAA tournament hopes alive beating St. John's and DePaul. The Carter & Oduro road show combined for 58 points against Big East punching bag DePaul (also known as "Of the Paul").  Some other players may have scored baskets, I'm not sure. It didn't feel that way. The Friars did not give much to complain about this week. But I am still going to complain. Hakeem Olajuwan had narrowed his college choices to Houston and Providence, but when he got in the taxi at the airport, the driver told him that the weather in Houston would be a lot more of what he was used to. And so Houston got Phi Slamma Jamma.  Seriously? Cabbie, stay in your lane pal (pun intended).  - Mike Rusconi

1497 Syracuse Orange - Men's NCAA D1 (16-10 - AMOV 1.12)

There was a storm in Syracuse last week and it wasn’t the snow: fans on the court baby! UNC goes down. A miracle in the Dome!  Syracuse about to run the ta…. Wait, what?  They only scored 60 against Georgia Tech and lost?  . . . Ah well, I was happy for a few days anyway. - John Berardi

1714.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (12-11 AMOV 1.52)

Penn lost a heartbreaker to Brown in Providence, 61-59, as the Bears' Kyla Jones had a night to remember. First, she tallied her 1,000th career point. With 16 seconds left, she scored to break a 57-57 tie, then broke a 59-59 tie with a hoop to win the game. After the game, Jones won $1 million on a scratch card, took a blue ribbon in a local muffin baking contest and rescued several cute dogs from a burning building. - David Yas

1811. St. John's Red Storm - Men's NCAA D1 (14-12 - AMOV 5.27)

Well, it was another tough week for Rick Pitino and the St. John’s Red Storm. They lost back-to-back road games at Marquette and at Providence.  They are now 2-7 in their last 9 and find themselves on the wrong side of the NCAA bubble. With all that in mind, there’s still the NIT to shoot for.  And remember , you can’t spell PITINO ; without an N, an I and a T. - Brendan Angelini

2292. Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (12-14 AMOV 1.42)

Penn State’s week started poorly, and then got worse.  The Nittany Lions lost at home to Michigan St. 82-70, and then went on the road to play Nebraska, where they shot 33% (18-54) from the field and 21.7% (5-23) from 3-point range in a 68-49 loss.  Despite the 19 point final spread, for their part Nebraska tried to keep the game close, shooting 44.3% (27-61) from the field and 19% (4-21) from downtown in a game reminiscent of countless 8U Y-leagues. Perhaps the only thing to look forward to in the near future is this year’s “Return to Rec” annual home game on Wednesday, where Penn State returns to the cozy confines of Rec Hall (capacity 6,502) to play #14 Illinois.  Wear white, if you care. - Michael Dinga Class of '86

2517.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (9-15 AMOV 0.38) -

Penn falls to Brown 71-64 as Kino Lilly Jr. and AJ Lesburt Jr. combine for 36 points for the visiting Bears. It’s the most devastating attack of juniors on the Penn campus since the jukebox at Smokey Joe’s broke and played nothing but “At The Hop” by Danny and the Juniors for 48 hours straight. - David Yas

2782 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Men's NCAA D1 (9-16 AMOV -3.44)

Well, will you look at that? By beating Georgia Tech on Wednesday night, ND is now riding a two game win streak after previously dropping seven straight. They now just need to win seven out of their last six games to hit .500 on the year.  That will be tough to do. - Rick Condon

3491 St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Women's NCAA D1 (4-21 - AMOV -11.48)

The Bonnies lost against Fordham this past Sunday only shooting 20% from the field.  Ouch 

The last time I saw that number was on a high school Algebra test.  - Isaac Howson

3696.Stonehill Skyhawks - Men's NCAA D1 - (3-25 AMOV -12.93) -  

3-25 Stonehill Skyhawks have a week between games till they host St. Francis ( PA) University in a rematch of NEC teams. Stonehill lost 72-63 earlier this month at St. Francis where they have an actual 9 hole golf course on campus. If I had a golf course on campus I would have finished with a GPA about as bad as this year’s men’s team's rankings.  -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 2/11/2024

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (26-0 - AMOV 36.58) - After beating DuPage 105-52, Coach Darryl Watkins was quoted as saying, "I knew they were not going to go away easy." That makes sense. You know, assuming that Coach Watkins had to push DuPage's bus out of the parking lot.

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (23-0 - 34.21 AMOV) - South Carolina knocked off perennial powerhouse UConn on Sunday. The result shocked absolutely everyone who doesn't follow college basketball.

3. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (23-0 - 29.74) - The Pioneers won their last game using 17 players. I don't know how the refs missed that.

4. Webster Gorloks - Women's NCAA D3 - (23-0 - AMOV 29.70) - Webster University is not in the dictionary. That seems ironic.

5.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (23-0 - AMOV 28.2) - I'm a big Journey Armstead fan. Because she's an all-around player? No, because I'm a big Caddyshack fan and Journey had a song on the soundtrack. Yeah, I also root for all players named Earth, Wind and Fire.

6.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAA-D3 - (23-0 - AMOV 27.61) - Brookdale CC has a diversity statement that is strikingly similar to the diversity statements of other colleges.

7. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (22-0 - AMOV 28.50) - Albert Gallatin founded NYU and became its first president after serving as Treasury Secretary for both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. So where the hell is his Broadway play?

8. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (24-0 - AMOV 27.25) - The team's starting guards are sisters Maddie Gard and Katie Gard. But rumor has it that after pulling down 7 rebounds against St. Ambrose, Maddie might change her last name to Power Forward.

9. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (23-0 - AMOV 29.53) - Rhode Island College goes by "Rick". Interestingly, I have a friend named Rick who goes by "Rhode Island College."

10.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (21-0 - AMOV 27.41) - Ixhelt Gonzalez scored a game high 14 points against Wisconsin-Whitewater on Saturday. Some people tell me that they don't know how to pronounce her name. But I say it's easy: Gon-za-lez.

11. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (25-0 AMOV 24.52)

12.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (24-0 -AMOV 24.50)

13.Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (20-0 - AMOV 24.43)

14.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (19-0 - AMOV 25.84)

15.Algonquin College - Women's CCAA (12-0 - AMOV 29.25)

16. DePaul Blue Demons - Men's Club/NCBBA - (6-0 - AMOV 28.25)

17. Miami-Ohio Redhawks - Manager Games (5-0 - AMOV 27.4)

18. Brown Bears - Mens' Clubs/NCBBA - (6-0 - AMOV 26)

19. Northeastern Huskies - Men's Club/NCBBA (26-0 - AMOV 15.80)

20.South Plains Texans - Men's NJCAA D1 (23-0 - AMOV 15.43)

21.National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (18-0 - AMOV 17.89)

22. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (19-1 - AMOV 35.75)

23. Butte College Road Runners - Women's CCCAA (26-1 - AMOV 31.26)

24.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (23-1 - AMOV 31.79)

25. Mid-Michigan CC Lakers - Women's NJCAA D2 (18-1 - AMOV 33.06)

26. Kentucky Wildcats - Mangers Games (8-0, AMOV 17.88)

27. Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (8-0 - AMOV 16.5)

28. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA D3 (22-1 - AMOV 27.91)

29. Dordt Defenders - Women's NAIA (23-1 - AMOV 25.75)

30. Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (20-1 - AMOV 26.68)

31. Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (23-1 AMOV 24.79)

32. Ashland Eagles - Women's NCAA D2 (21-1 - AMOV 25.73)

33. Carleton Ravens - Women's U Sports (21-1 - AMOV 25.68)

34. Jefferson CC - Women's NJCAA D3 (18-1 - AMOV 25.74)

35.Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (23-1 - AMOV 23.04)

36. Christopher Newport Captains - Women's NCAA D3 (22-1 - AMOV 23.39)

37. Columbia Basin Hawks - Women's NWAC (15-1 - AMOV 26.56)

38. North Dakota St. College of Science - Men's NJCAA D1 (24-1 - AMOV 21.88)

39. Hope College Flying Dutch- NCAA D3 (22-1 - AMOV 22.17)

40. Reinhardt Eagles - Women's NAIA (23-1 -AMOV 21.50)

41. Rainy River CC Voyageurs- Men's NJCAA D3 (19-1 - AMOV 23.30)

42. Triton - Men's NJCAA D1 (23-1 - AMOV 19.96)

43. Marian IN - Women's NAIA (23-2 - AMOV 19.88)

44. Bryant & Stratton (Virginia) - Women's NJCAA D2 (21-1 - AMOV 20.68)

45. Fairfield Stags - Women's NCAA D1 (21-1 - AMOV 20.59)

46. Montgomery County CC - Men's NJCAA 3 ( 22-1 - AMOV 20.04)

47. Catholic Cardinals - Women's NCAA D3 (22-1 - AMOV 20.04)

48. Cape Fear CC - Women's NJCAA D2 (16-1 AMOV 21.47)

49. Wabash Valley - Women's NJCAA D1 (17-2 - AMOV 40.68)

50 Jefferson University Rams- Women's NCAA D1 (20-1 AMOV 19.14)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

386 - Bentley Falcons - Women's NCAA D2 (19-4 AMOV 11.43) 

Writing jokes about losing teams is far more easy than writing about a winning team. (Ask, for example, the writer of jokes for Stonehill Men’s hoop.) Bentley women’s hoop is doing me no favors this season.  The accounting school powerhouse hasn’t  lost a game since December. (That loss was probably a Xmas gift to a school named Holy Name- let’s face it, if they played Scrooge Univ. or Atheist College on December 18th, you really think they’d a lost?). And they have won every game since that loss by nine or more points.  If we add up Bentley's point total and put it in a column next to their opponents point total, in accounting parlance, it looks like we’re cooking the books.  - Paul Nardizzi

451 - Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Women's NCAA D1 (18-5 - AMOV 20.65)

No. 15 Louisville took down No. 12 Notre Dame despite Hannah Hidalgo scoring 30 points for the Irish. Louisville wore special uniforms that night representing their home city and inspired by "bourbon barrels and baseball bats". Bourbon and bats? Bars and axe throwing? Maybe let's stop with the booze and weapons mash ups in the name of entertainment. - Rick Condon

702.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (19-6 AMOV 9.16)

Vermont got past UMBC yesterday on the strength of good ball management, offensive rebounding, and a sweet van that my cousin Reggie leased a while back but hasn't made no payments on yet and don't plan to.  - Clayton Trutor

1035- Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (16-8 AMOV 10.67)

Bentley senior Zach Laput has been named to the Trevor Hudgins watch list.  Most of these awards are named after players long deceased, however, Hudgins just wrapped up his playing career two years ago!  I think instead of a trophy resembling the player the award is named after , in this case the winner of the award should just be presented with, ….well, the actual Trevor Hudgins, until he passes away. - Paul Nardizzi

1314. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (14-9- AMOV 6.78)

On Super Bowl weekend, the St. Bonaventure Bonnies played anything but super dropping a 75 - 69 loss to the Duquesne Dukes. The Dukesbrought a 3-6 A10 record into a packed Reilly Center in Olean and completely silenced the crowd all day long. The loss was a devastating blow to the Bonnies chances to obtain a top four A10 finish. Those chances look blown up like confetti in the French Quarter this week. Though instead of in a joyous, picturesque, and bustling New Orleans, in a somber, slushy and desolate Olean. - James Healy

The Bonnies 1st half on Saturday resembled far too many undergrad nights at the Burton….a late arrival hoping for some late game magic. Not surprisingly, the inevitable long lonely walk back to the townhouses was once again the only ticket to be punched. . . .Future home games may include a pre-game scrimmage…..or at a minimum, consideration of free adult beverages to create a little more fan excitement for the early afternoon tip. - Kevin Florenz

1324. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (15-9- AMOV 5.67)

Providence and #19 Creighton delivered one of the better games you'll see all year...except you probably didn't see it...because it was on Fox Sports 2 which requires a special subscription, not Fox Sports 1.  What was on FS1 you ask? Two unranked women's teams. Priorities.  PC breathed life into their NCAA tournament hopes with a big OT win, and then quickly turned around and exhaled just about all of that life with a follow up loss to Butler. Star player Josh Oduro missed the game for the birth of his child. I mean, come on Josh, it's a kid.  You can always have another one.  Again, priorities.   - Mike Rusconi

1661.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (11-10 AMOV 1.10)

Penn drops a game to Princeton 67-54 in a game that the Tigers led comfortably wire-to-wire. The loss was doubly heartbreaking for Penn fans who had to stop chanting “Princeton was my safety school” early in the first quarter.  - David Yas

2040.Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (12-12 AMOV 2.67)

Penn State split its 2 games this week, defeating Iowa at home 89-79 and losing at Northwestern 68-63.  The loss to Northwestern dropped the Nittany Lions to a ho hum 12-12 on the season.  And former PSU defensive back Ji’Ayir Brown intercepted Patrick Mahomes in the third quarter of Super Bowl LVIII!  WE ARE!!! - Michael Dinga Class of '86

2292.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (9-13 AMOV 1.36) -

Penn fought bravely against Ivy powerhouse Princeton but ultimately fell 77-70. The Tigers were led by sophomore guard Xaivian Lee, who led all scorers with 22 — which coincidentally is the number of different ways his first name has been misspelled by Starbucks baristas. - David Yas

2578 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets - Men's NCAA D1 (10-14 AMOV -4.50)

Georgia Tech's Men's basketball team suffered an embarrassing 80-51 blowout at home against Wake Forest. The paltry 20 first half points were not only a season low for the Rambling Wreck, but also one point short of the average ACT on an incoming freshman at the University of Georgia . . .Perhaps the similarity in WF's and GT's uniforms tricked the scoreboard operator into switching the scores. There are a lot less plausible conspiracy theories than that these days. - Chris Pelc

2938 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Men's NCAA D1 (8-16 AMOV -3.71)

During their 71-53 loss to Duke on Wednesday, Notre Dame missed 12 straight shots early in the first half and went five and a half minutes without a bucket mid way through the second half. In an unrelated stat, the Irish now have the 346th ranked scoring offense in D1 hoops (out of 351 teams). Actually, no; those two things are very much related. - Rick Condon

3385 St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Women's NCAA D1 (4-19 - AMOV -10.83)

The St. Bonaventure women lost 40-54 against VCU last Saturday. Apparently, the Richmond Rhythm, a former IBL team, shared the Siegel Center from 1999-2001 with VCU. There may be evidence that the Bonnies could have used some of that rhythm: they shot 5-28 from beyond the arc. - Isaac Howson

3629.Stonehill Skyhawks - Men's NCAA D1 - (3-23 AMOV -13.50) -  

After a nice win against Wagner, Stonehill fell this week to Le Moyne College. Le Moyne was founded in 1946 by the Society of Jesus. I don’t remember anything in my Stonehill Religious Studies course work where Jesus preached beating the pants off another basketball team by 31 points 88-57, but that is what the Le Moyne Dolphins did.   -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 2/5/2024

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (24-0 - AMOV 35.75) - Rock Valley College is located in Rockford, Illinois which I unfortunately learned is not named after The Rockford Files which I unfortunately learned means nothing to anyone under the age of 45.

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (21-0 - 34.81 AMOV) - South Carolina, the #1 team in all of Division 1, is NOT the most dominant team in all of college basketball. So who's up for mentioning that to Dawn Staley? Anyone?

3. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (20-0 - AMOV 29.50) - Natalie Bruns tallied an impressive 23 points against Emory, but she was nonplussed. She bruns everyone.

4. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (21-0 - 28.57) - Transylvania University's name, in Latin, means something akin to "through the woods." And that explains why classes are held in Grandmother's house.

5. Webster Gorlocks - Women's NCAA D3 - (21-0 - AMOV 28.29) - The team's website has 2 sponsors: Dominos Pizza and Jet's Pizza. When told that Dominos Pizza was sponsoring, Jet's Pizza reportedly said, "Great, we like to be the only sponsor that makes pizza."

6.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (21-0 - AMOV 28.14) - The school offers a whopping 54 different clubs. I was shocked to see one called "Crips and Bloods". Then I saw it was actually "Crops and Soils." And yet I remain shocked.

7. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (22-0 - AMOV 26.36) - IUSB's library has an incredible 600,000 books. Well, now we know why people aren't reading these days. All the books are in South Bend, Indiana.

8.Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (22-0 AMOV 26.05) - I think I found the secret to this team's success. Check out their roster. Now look at their weights. You see it? They list nothing! You know what that means? Come on think it through. Yup. It means they are weightless.

9. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (22-0 - AMOV 25.95) - Sophia Guerrier scored her 1000th point for RIC this past Saturday. I remember when I scored my 1000th point, but then seconds later that damn ape knocked me out with a barrel.

10.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAA-D3 - (18-0 - AMOV 27.61) - "Jersey Blues" reminds me of a date I had in Hoboken that ended quite painfully.

11. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (23-0 AMOV 24.39)

12.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (17-0 - AMOV 27.28)

13.Algonquin College - Women's CCAA (12-0 - AMOV 29.25)

14.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (22-0 -AMOV 24.18)

15.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (17-0 - AMOV 26.18)

16 Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (4-0 - AMOV 29)

17.Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (20-0 - AMOV 21.80)

18. DePaul Blue Demons - Men's Club/NCBBA - (4-0 - AMOV 28.25)

19. Miami-Ohio Redhawks - Manager Games (5-0 - AMOV 27.4)

20. Brown Bears - Mens' Clubs/NCBBA - (6-0 - AMOV 26)

21 Red Deer Polytech Kings - Men's CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 25.83)

22. Northeastern Huskies - Men's Club/NCBBA (24-0 - AMOV 15.12)

23.South Plains Texans - Men's NJCAA D1 (21-0 - AMOV 16.43)

24.Dawson Blues - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 22.71)

25. Keyano Huskies - Mens' CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 22.83)

26.National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (16-0 - AMOV 17.62)

27. St. Mary's AB Lightning - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 21.86)

28.SUNY Cobleskill Fighting Tigers - Women's NCAA D3 (21-1 - AMOV 34.09)

29. Union (TN) - Women's NCAA D2 (21-1 - AMOV 33.91)

30.Southern Nazarene - Women's NCAA D2 (20-0 - AMOV 14.35)

31. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (18-1 - AMOV 33.84)

32.NW Florida State Raiders- Women's NJCAA D1 (20-1 - AMOV 32.67)

33.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (21-1 - AMOV 31.95)

34. Butte College Road Runners - Women's CCCAA (23-1 - AMOV 29.80)

35. George Brown Huskies - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 15.57)

36. Mid-Michigan CC Lakers - Women's NJCAA D2 (16-1 - AMOV 30.35)

37. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA D3 (20-1 - AMOV 28.14)

38. Onondaga College Lazers - Women's NJCAA D3 (18-1 - AMOV 29.00)

39. Dordt Defenders - Women's NAIA (20-1 - AMOV 27.29)

40.Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (20-1 - AMOV 26.68)

41. Carleton Ravens - Women's U Sports (21-1 - AMOV 25.68)

42. Gulf Coast State - Women's NJCAA D1 (20-1 AMOV 25.57)

43. Ashland Eagles - Women's NCAA D2 (19-1 - AMOV 25.80)

44. Jefferson CC - Women's NJCAA D3 (17-1 - AMOV 26.39)

45. Christopher Newport Captains - Women's NCAA D3 (21-1 - AMOV 24.23)

46.Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (21-1 - AMOV 23.64)

47. Columbia Basin - Women's NWAC (13-1 - AMOV 27.00)

48. North Dakota St. College of Science - Men's NJCAA D1 (22-1 - AMOV 22.30)

49. Gustavus Adolphus Gusties - Women's NCAA D3 (18-1 - AMOV 23.89)

50. Hope College Flying Dutch- NCAA D3 (20-1 - AMOV 22.10)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

170 - Bentley Falcons - Women's NCAA D2 (19-2 AMOV 13.48)-  The Bentley women's team beat American International in Morgan's Message Game, a foundation that focuses on mental health. It is a great organization. Back when I played for Bentley the only message I got from "Morgan" was a written warning that over consumption of this product will impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle. - Paul Nardizzi

613.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (18-5 AMOV 9.96) - UVM hosted Binghamton. I watched the game from the University Mall's Applebee's, which recently lifted its five-year ban on my presence after I plugged up both bowls during a winter 2019 visit.  - Clayton Trutor

1166- Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (14-8 AMOV 10.82) - Bentley lost to Saint Anselm, a school named after Saint Anselm who famously said, "For I do not seek to understand so that I may believe, but I believe so that I may understand. " I've read the quote several times and I believe that I do not understand. - Paul Nardizzi

1232. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (13-8- AMOV 7.43) - The St. Bonaventure Bonnies dropped a hard fought game to the 21st ranked Dayton Flyers in Dayton OH  76 - 71. St. Bonaventure did a great job defending the ever dangerous 3pt shooting of the Flyers but opened themselves up to down low scoring from Dayton star Daron Holmes who poured in 34 points. Next up for the Bonnies will be the UMass Minuteman in the friendly confines of the Reilly Center. And by friendly I mean unfriendly. - James Healy

1243. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (12-6- AMOV 8.33) - PC showed some signs that they may have figured out life without Bryce Hopkins this week by giving the Huskies* a rock fight at UConn that was in their grasp despite putting up Andre Drummon-esque numbers from the free throw line.  They summarily followed this encouraging effort by losing to Villanova by 18.  Neat. They can't just lose, they have to give you hope first, and then collapse...kind of like the Bills or the Detroit Lions.  It's a remarkable talent. 

*The UConn mascot is an actual Husky. His name is "Jonathan."  The Washington Huskies mascot is also a dog, but it is not a husky.  It is an Alaskan Malamute (Dubs II...the name is kinda clever).  Even more egregious, there have been several non-husky mascots at Washington over the years!  As a proud Malamute owner, I am offended by the doggy-cultural misappropriation so flagrantly on display by this institution.  This is the worst case of cultural fraud since Cosmo Kramer tried to sell Earl Hackler a group of Dominican cigar rollers claiming that they were bona fide Cubans. This is what happens when the Friars lose so badly, I redirect my anger.  - Mike Rusconi

1454 St. John's Red Storm - Men's NCAA D1 - (13-9 - AMOV 5.86) - Well, it was a tough week for Rick Pitino and the St John's Red Storm.  First, they went on the road and lost at Xavier, then they lost to #1 UConn in front of a sold-out Madison Square Garden.  After the game, while discussing the state of college hoops, Rick said the NCAA enforcement arm "is of no value anymore" and added that "we need to stop all the hypocrisy of NIL..."  Wait a minute, is Rick Pitino suggesting there is hypocrisy in college sports??? Well, I hope he has some evidence to back up this most serious accusation!   - Brendan Angelini

1332 - Syracuse Orange - Men's NCAA D1 (14-8 AMOV 1.55) - Before March Madness there is February Sadness. Syracuse lost an ugly game to Boston College. A lackluster performance where they couldn’t score 1 point before BC scored 21. Then a solid loss to Wake Forest. Syracuse was perhaps on their way into the most famous bubble in sports. Now you can probably stick a pin in it. POP! - John Berardi

1573.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (11-9 AMOV 1.80) - In a crushing loss, Penn fell to lowly 5-15 Yale in overtime, 74-68. Coach Mike McLaughlin lamented, "Sometimes the ball gets stuck with the group we have at times.” To avoid the ball getting “stuck” in the future, McLaughlin immediately banned cotton candy from the locker room. - David Yas

1998.Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (11-11 AMOV 2.68) - Penn State arguably had its best week of the season thus far, securing road wins first at Rutgers 61-46 and then at Indiana 85-71.  Rutgers notably plays its on-campus games at Jersey Mike’s Arena, where first year head coach Mike Rhoades ordered up a #13 Original Italian “his way” in route to Penn State’s first win away from home this year.  “Jersey Mike” Rhoades’s squad followed that up with a #55 Big Kahuna Chicken Cheese Steak—California Style, of course—in garnering their first win in Assembly Hall since 2014.  Following the Indiana victory, “Jersey Mike” Rhoades commented, “Well, I guess they can’t call me ‘Homer’ anymore”- Michael Dinga Class of '86

2262.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (9-12 AMOV 1.76) - In the last three games, the Quakers have lost to the Columbia Lions, the Brown Bears and the Yale Bulldogs (led by guard Danny Wolf). And next up, the mighty Princeton Tigers. The Penn squad is now in such fear of four-legged animals that they cross the street when they see a stray cat. - David Yas

2963 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Men's NCAA D1 (7-15 AMOV -3.59) - Pittsburgh beat Notre Dame 70-60 on Saturday as the Irish losing streak hit six games. The Panthers' center, Federiko Federiko, grabbed nine rebounds. That is his actual name and not a typo and the term for that is reduplication. Kind of like when I say that this ND hoops season has been miserable miserable. - Rick Condon

3328 St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Women's NCAA D1 (4-17 - AMOV -10.19) - The St. Bonaventure women lost against Davidson 65-57 on the 31st. With 1:27 left in the 1st quarter, Nadechka Laccen received a technical. I didn't know saying Steph Curry was an overrated PG was worth a technical. - Isaac Howson

3598.Stonehill Skyhawks - Men's NCAA D1 - (3-21 AMOV -12.96) -  Logged on to Saturday only to be surprised that Stonehill was playing right then only to be surprised to see they were winning only to be surprised to see them win only to be surprised by their play by play announcers lime green dress shirt in the post game interview. 

Stonehill beats Wagner in the battle of the Hawks. Stonehill Skyhawks 71. Wagner Seahawks 61.  -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Without Kenneth's statistical assistance Dave would be spending another 25 hours putting this together. Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help tracking down the nearly impossible to find stats for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 1/29/2024

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (23-0 - AMOV 36.91) - You can stream the Golden Eagles's games on "Just A Game Live .com", a site which shouldn't be confused with "It's Not That Important Live .com"

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (19-0 - 35.79 AMOV) - In 1805 the school constructed an entire building for its first class of a mere 9 students. I guess that makes sense. I mean back then they couldn't just rent the back room of a Chili's.

3. Mid-Michigan CC Lakers - Women's NJCAA D2 (15-0 - AMOV 33.60) - These women scored 119 points in their last game. 119! That's like 19 more bottles of beer on the wall; 20 more luftballons; and 69 more ways to leave your lover.

4. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (19-0 - 29.53) - Assistant Coach Tim Whitesel has a masters in Zoology. That seems wholly unhelpful to this team - until you realize they have back to back games this week against the Ravens and the Beavers.

5.Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (19-0 - AMOV 29.53) University of Saskatchewan's nickname is the Huskies. Of course it is. But the school still deserves kudos for not being the Mounties.

6. Webster Gorlocks - Women's NCAA D3 - (19-0 - AMOV 28.95) - Webster hosted Greenville Saturday in a Coaches vs. Cancer game. Apparently Greenville's coaches are pro-cancer.

7.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (19-0 - AMOV 28.16) - The Blue Dragons beat Dodge City last week. So I spent about an hour crafting a joke about "getting out of Dodge". Then I learned the game was at home.

8. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (20-0 - AMOV 27.66) - Being the 8th most dominant team in all of college basketball has to feel good. But maybe not as good as being the #1 most dominant team in all of South Bend, Indiana.

9. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (18-0 - AMOV 28.44) - The NYU Violets's mascot is a bobcat. A bobcat? How can it not be a girl who scoffs at Pig-Pen?

10.Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (20-0 AMOV 27.35) - Josh Meo scored an impressive 20 points in the team's victory over Three Rivers. Even more impressive, according to the box score, he did that in just 1 minute. The box score also shows that everyone on the team only played 1 minute. This must clearly mean one thing - Three Rivers stinks.

11.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAAD3 - (18-0 - AMOV 27.61)

12. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (21-0 AMOV 25.57)

13. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (20-0 - AMOV 25.95)

14.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (17-0 - AMOV 27.28)

15.Patrick & Henry CC Patriots - Women's NJCAA D3 (6-0 - AMOV 33.33)

16.Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (20-0 - AMOV 25.30)

17.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (20-0 -AMOV 24.35)

18.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (14-0 - AMOV 25.29)

19. Boston College - Women's Club/NCBBA - (6-0 - AMOV 32)

20.Algonquin College - Women's CCAA (9-0 - AMOV 27.44)

21 Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (4-0 - AMOV 29)

22. DePaul Blue Demons - Men's Club/NCBBA - (4-0 - AMOV 28.25)

23 Catholic Cardinals - Women's NCA D3 - (19-0 - AMOV 20.63)

24.Michigan Wolverines - Manger Games (3-0 - AMOV 30.3)

25.Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (19-0 - AMOV 20.63)

26. Portland CC - Women's NWAAC (11-0 - AMOV 23.91)

27. Miami-Ohio Redhawks - Manager Games (5-0 - AMOV 27.4)

28. Brown Bears - Mens' Clubs/NCBBA - (6-0 - AMOV 26)

29 Red Deer Polytech Kings - Men's CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 25.83)

30.Cape Fear CC Sea Devils - Women's NJCAA D2 (14-0 - AMOV 21.21)

30.Itawamba CC Indians - Women's NJCAA - D1 (12-0 - AMOV 22.17)

31.South Plains Texans - Men's NJCAA D1 (19-0 - AMOV 17.42)

32.Dawson Blues - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 22.71)

33.National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (14-0 - AMOV 19.00)

34. Keyano Huskies - Mens' CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 22.83)

35. St. Mary's AB Lightning - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 21.86)

36. Union (TN) - Women's NCAA D2 (20-1 - AMOV 34.19)

37.Southern Nazarene - Women's NCAA D2 (18-0 - AMOV 14.83)

38. Northeastern Huskies - Men's Club/NCBBA (20-0 - AMOV 13.70)

39.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (19-1 - AMOV 33.10)

40.SUNY Cobleskill Fighting Tigers - Women's NCAA D3 (18-1 - AMOV 33.58)

41 Christendom Crusaders - Women's USCAA (10-1 - AMOV 37.27)

42.NW Florida State Raiders- Women's NJCAA D1 (18-1 - AMOV 32.58)

43. Butte College Road Runners - Women's CCCAA (23-1 - AMOV 28.96)

44. George Brown Huskies - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 15.57)

45. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA D3 (18-1 - AMOV 29.74)

46. Onondaga College - Women's NJCAA D3 (17-1 - AMOV 29.47)

47. Lakeland CC - Men's NJCAA D2 (12-0 - AMOV 10.58)

48. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (13-1 - AMOV 30.07)

49. Carleton - Women's U Sports (21-1 - AMOV 25.68)

50. Grand Valley State Lakers - (16-1 - AMOV 27.71)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

201 - Bentley Falcons - Women's NCAA D2 (16-2 AMOV 13.00)- I did a deep dive on Bentley University women's basketball coach C White.  I was interested in what C was short for and apparently it's not short for anything. Her name is C.  A single letter first name.  Often, I'm sure, confused with the word see.  And sea.  And cee. And si.  See? - Paul Nardizzi

403 - Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Women's NCAA D1 (15-4 AMOV 21.89) - ND thumped the mighty UCONN women on their home floor, 82-67, ending the Huskies' 13 game winning streak on Saturday. It was a matchup that also featured two emerging young guards who both go by the first name "KK" (Arnold for UCONN and Bransford for ND). While I know there is a Kardashian joke in there somewhere, it is not coming to me and I am at deadline. - Rick Condon

640 - Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's NCAA D1 (15-5 AMOV 13.45) The Fighting Illini suffered a loss to Northwestern, whom they had beaten by 30 points earlier in the season. And two weeks ago, U of I lost to Maryland. Those losses both came right after Illinois achieved a top ten ranking in the AP. But that's how it's been for top ten teams all season long. Each week it seems, top ten teams are losing to unranked opponents. I haven't seen favorites lose so badly to undermatched teams since Clinton lost to Trump in 2016. While the reason for Illini's losses can be chalked up to poor shooting and bad defense, Hillary's loss was simply due to the fact that people really can't stand her.  - Mike Hurley

703.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (16-5 AMOV 9.24) - We in Vermont were in for a big storm this weekend. I got prepared. Headed down to Dollar General and bought some hamburger helper, a carton of Winstons, and three Harlequin romance novels. - Clayton Trutor

917. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (12-6- AMOV 8.33) - PC got back on the horse with two conference wins, one by raiding the Seton Hall Pirates, and the other by beating the Georgetown Ed Cooleys, which at this point was the only game that mattered anymore.  Twitter videos showed PC students partying at 8 AM to prep for the 12:30 game, prompting the Big East to warn fans ahead of time to "not throw anything on the court" or risk forfeit. Now THAT'S the school I remember attending!  Devin Carter hit a three pointer from basically Massachusetts right in front of Cooley, and did a Dominique windmill slam to end the game. It was fun.  - Mike Rusconi  

1097- Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (13-7 AMOV 11.40) - Zach Laput has been named to the Bevo Francis watch list which comprises 100 of the top players in the country in all different divisions. I had to Google who Bevo Francis was and according to Wikipedia, he's the guy that they named the Bevo Francis award after.  This is why I donate to Wikipedia. - Paul Nardizzi

1156. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (11-6- AMOV 8.29) - The St Bonaventure Bonnies (12-7) continued their Jeckyl and Hyde routine in front of a national tv ESPN2 crowd against A 10 rival St Joe's. The same team that could only score 15 points in the first half just last week  scored a decisive 91-72 win over St Joe's in a very energetic Reilly Center. Leading the way were Darry Banks (29) , Moses Flowers (23) and Chad Venning (21). Next up for the Bonnies will be VCU Tuesday night and all will be waiting to see will it be Superman who takes the court ? Or will it be Clark Kent & Jimmy Olsen? - James Healy

1159 St. John's Red Storm - Men's NCAA D1 - (13-7 - AMOV 7.65) - After a difficult 1 point home loss to Marquette, Rick Pitino and the St. John’s RedStorm blew out Villanova by 20 at Madison Square Garden, completing their first series sweep since 1993, and holding Villanova to a season low 50 points. You know, I can’t put my finger on it , but something is just not Wright with the Wildcats these days. - Brendan Angelini

1552.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (10-8 AMOV 1.17) - According to the Penn Athletics website, the Quakers were “outpaced” by Columbia by a score of 85-55. Outpaced. It reminds me of the 1984 presidential election when Ronald Reagan “outpaced” Walter Mondale in electoral votes, 525-13. - David Yas

1961.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (9-10 AMOV 3.26) - Penn falls to Columbia 84-81 in a squeaker. The Quakers had trouble containing Geronimo Rubio De La Rosa (5 for 9 in 3-pointers), who not only was instrumental in defeating Penn, but also somehow managed to outscore the number of letters in his name, 24-21. - David Yas

2229.Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (9-11 AMOV 1.50) - Penn State lost at home to Minnesota 83-74 in its only game of the week, frittering away a 45-31 halftime lead before the largest crowd of the season.  The game was Penn State’s annual THON game, where the student section and in-game activities help to raise awareness for Penn State’s annual dance marathon towards the fight against childhood cancer—the largest student-run philanthropy in the world, having raised over $219 million since it began.  THON efforts culminate with a 46-hour, no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon each February.  This particular writer took part in said dance marathon as a senior in 1986–where after standing, dancing, and continuously swaying for 40 hours developed what can best be described by the medical term “dancing mania”, with the uncontrollable feeling of having to keep dancing (in my case to avoid dizziness and the gym swaying if I stood still).  After then surviving the final 6 hours, I collapsed in a heap shortly thereafter—sort of like the Nittany Lions did in the second half.- Michael Dinga Class of '86

2745 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Men's NCAA D1 (7-11 AMOV -2.33) - ND Coach Micah Strawberry continues to search for ways to turn things around. Last Wednesday night against Miami, he benched his two primary big men for the entire second half and effectively went with a five guard lineup. Five guards ... bold! But I have questions. Did it work? Uh, No - lost the game (and the second half). OK, but did it spark the team to victory in their next game? Uh, still No - lost again on Saturday to Boston College. Thank you, nothing further. - Rick Condon

3314 St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Women's NCAA D1 (4-16 - AMOV -10.30) - It was crazy seeing a Dani Haskell half court buzzer-beater to end the first quarter against Saint Joseph's. 

It's even crazier learning that the Hawk mascot gets full scholarship. - Isaac Howson

3562.Stonehill Skyhawks - Men's NCAA D1 - (2-20 AMOV -14.36) - With Stonehill losing a heartbreaking buzzer beater 63-60 against LIU, the Skyhawks fall to an overall 2-20 record.  That equates to a .091 winning percentage.  .091 also equates to my Statistics grade sophomore year. -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Without Kenneth's statistical assistance Dave would be spending another 25 hours putting this together. Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help tracking down the nearly impossible to find stats for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 1/22/2024

1. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (20-0 - AMOV 37.65) - You can catch shows at this school's Starlight Theater with a moveable roof, and at its Studio Theater, a converted barn. But I'd suggest you go see the incredible plays at the PEC. And they are all performed by the women on this team. My favorites have been "The Pick & Roll" and "The Backdoor."

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (17-0 - 38.65 AMOV) - South Carolina just knocked off Texas A & M, a school that has been accused of buying its players. But that kind of makes sense given that it's logo reads A-T-M.

3.NW Florida State Raiders- Women's NJCAA D1 (17-0 - AMOV 36.88) - A write-up about their last victory indicates that Mekhia Chase and Celia Riviere combined for 39 points. Impressive. I really wish I could have seen how those two managed to shoot the ball together.

4.Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U Sports - (19-0 - AMOV 29.53) This university was part of an organization that changed its name from "Canadian Interuniversity Sport" to simply "U Sports." I can see how that change might attract more players. Though maybe they might want to make another change to: "Bahamian U Sports."

5.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (18-0 - AMOV 29.44) - I try to come up with ways to remember every school's nickname. Like for the Hutchinson Blue Dragons, I think of the time my buddy Kev asked me to help him bring a beautiful red hutch he made, up a flight of stairs. Though way too heavy to carry, we determined we could simply drag it. We were wrong. Really wrong. We didn't factor in my inability to hold on. Yup, it slipped out of my hands and slid right on top on Kev. Well, that's not accurate. It smashed on top of him. His beloved hutch was no more. And from this story I get hutch and drag. Yeah, not perfect unless the school would like to go by the Hutchinson Drag.

6.Patrick & Henry CC Patriots - Women's NJCAA D3 (6-0 - AMOV 33.33) - 3 years ago the school changed its name from Patrick Henry to Patrick and Henry - missing a perfect opportunity to go by Patrick and Sponge Bob.

7.Skagit Valley College Cardinals - Men's NJCAA D3 (17-0 - AMOV 35.40) - Head Coach Carl Howell has previously won the Just-Play Solutions National Junior College Coach of the week award. Doesn't it seem like "just play" isn't really stellar coaching? "Ok team, we're down by 1 with 4 seconds to go. So this is what we are going to do: just play."

8.Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (18-0 AMOV 28.39) - Amarion Dickerson shot an incredible 90% in Mineral Area's last game. But he's far from the only gunslinger there as the school actually has a shooting range on campus which provides "a safe environment for novice shooters." That's great. Though no word on the safety of others when the novice is shooting.

9. Webster Gorlocks - Women's NCAA D3 - (17-0 - AMOV 28.53) - Webster's main campus is in Missouri. But it has campuses in Europe, Asia, and Africa. I bet it's hard for those students to make it to all of the games.

10. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (17-0 - 28.29) According to Wikipedia this is not to be confused with Transilvania University of Brasov. Gee thanks Wikipedia. But imagine being an incoming freshman and getting it wrong. "What do you mean I'm supposed to be in Romania?!"

11. Ohio State Buckeyes - Men's Club/NCBBA (4-0 - AMOV 38.5)

12.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (14-0 - AMOV 30.34)

13. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (16-0 - AMOV 28.25)

14.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (18-0 -AMOV 26.33)

15. Rhode Island College Anchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (18-0 - AMOV 26.33)

16. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (19-0 AMOV 25.68)

17. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (18-0 - AMOV 26.06)

18. Mid-Michigan CC - Women's NJCAA D2 (13-0 - AMOV 28.38)

19. Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (18-0 - AMOV 25.78)

20.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAAD3 - (15-0 - AMOV 26.20)

21 Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's Club/NCBBA - (4-0 - AMOV 29)

22 Algonquin College - Women's CCAA (9-0 - AMOV 27.44)

23.Michigan Wolverines - Manger Games (3-0 - AMOV 30.3)

24.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (13-0 - AMOV 23.77)

25. Oakton CC Owls - Women's NJCAA D2 - (17-1 - AMOV 41.00)

26. Portland CC - Women's NWAAC (11-0 - AMOV 23.91)

27. Catholic Cardinals - Women's NCA D3 - (17-0 - AMOV 20.88)

28.Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (16-0 - AMOV 21.00)

29 Red Deer Polytech Kings - Men's CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 25.83)

30.Cape Fear CC Sea Devils - Women's NJCAA D2 (12-0 - AMOV 22.17)

31.Itawamba CC Indians - Women's NJCAA - D1 (9-0 - AMOV 23.44)

32.South Plains Texans - Men's NJCAA D1 (18-0 - AMOV 17.67)

33. Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks- Women's NCAA D3 (17-0 - AMOV 18.12)

34. Dawson Blues - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 22.71)

35. Keyano Huskies - Mens' CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 22.83)

36. St. Mary's AB Lightning - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 21.86)

37.Southern Nazarene - Women's NCAA D2 (16-0 - AMOV 14.62)

38.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (18-1 - AMOV 33.58)

39. National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (12-0 - AMOV 16.50)

40 Christendom - Women's USCAA (10-1 - AMOV 37.27)

41. Union (TN) - Women's NCAA D2 (18-1 - AMOV 32.37)

42. SUNY Cobleskill - Women's NCAA D3 (16-1 - AMOV 31.53)

43. George Brown - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 15.57)

44. Butte College - Women's CCCAA (22-1 - AMOV 26.13)

45. Central Maine Mustangs - Women's USCAA D2 (13-1 - AMOV 30.07)

46. Carleton - Women's U Sports (21-1 - AMOV 25.68)

47. Miami-Ohio Redhawks - Manager Games (5-0 - AMOV 27.4)

48. North Essex CC - Men's NJCAA D3 (16-1 - AMOV 27.59)

49. Onondaga College - Women's NJCAA D3 (14-1 - AMOV 28.50)

50. Lakeland CC - Men's NJCAA D2 (11-0 - AMOV 9.73)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

250 - Bentley Falcons - Women's NCAA D2 (14-2 AMOV 12.62)- Bentley women’s basketball crushed Southern Connecticut by 19 pts, holding them to 28% from the floor and 15% from distance; prompting the Southern Connecticut coach to inspect the rims at halftime to see if they had been replaced by the rims used at local carnivals. Several players were seen leaving the gym after the loss clutching giant stuffed animals. - Paul Nardizzi

524 - Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's NCAA D1 (14-4 AMOV 14.78) This week, Illinois vaulted back into the top ten in the AP rankings after Big 10 wins against Michigan and Rutgers. The Fighting Illini did so by continuing to dominate on the boards and playing suffocating defense. They held those two teams to a combined 22% on 3-point shooting, which is coincidentally the same percentage as Buffalo Bills kickers' field goal percentage in postseason games.  - Mike Hurley

801.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (14-5 AMOV 9.32) - Vermont traveled to Binghamton on Thursday night and pummeled the Bearcats, 82-62. The people in Binghamton welcomed the visitors from Burlington with hearty handshakes and slaps on the back. Typically, people only stop in Binghamton if they need lunch on the drive from New York to Buffalo. - Clayton Trutor

1000- Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (12-6 AMOV 11.56) - Bentley men’s hoop defeated Pace to move into third place in the conference.  Kellan Bochenek hit six three pointers, all from the left side of the court.   I can relate as I only played on one side of the court when I played: the offensive end. - Paul Nardizzi

1053. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (12-6- AMOV 8.33) - Bryce Hopkins Vigil, Week 3:  Friars seemingly have found a path to the Big Dance...just play DePaul every game for the rest of the season. - Mike Rusconi

1067. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (11-6- AMOV 8.29) - After beating the Rhode Island Rams by 35 points the St. Bonaventure Bonnies dipped back down and lost a game to the George Mason Patriots  69 -60.  It's been a real roller coaster ride for the Bonnies this year with fans never knowing what to expect. Next week the Bonnies travel to Pittsburgh to take on Duquesne - will it be Jeckyl or Hyde? Bonnie or Clyde who show up for the Bonnies?  Nobody knows - tune in !  - James Healy

1428.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (10-7 AMOV 3.00) - Penn took a tough loss to Harvard, 69-56, as Crimson  junior Harmoni Turner tied her career-high of 31 points and added 10 rebounds, six assists and two steals. Then she took a seat on the Harvard bench and completed a term paper on quantum physics.  - David Yas 

1921.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (9-9 AMOV 3.61) - Penn falls to Harvard 70-61 in Philadelphia. But the ultimate indignity was Harvard math majors holding calculators and chanting Penn’s dwindling win-expectancy in the final minutes of the game. - David Yas

2030. Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets- Men's NCAA D1 (9-9 AMOV -1.67) Georgia Tech chocked at home once again. They are now thinking of changing their home uniforms to navy, silver and white with big stars. - Chris Pelc

2124.Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (8-9 AMOV 2.76) - This week’s journey for Penn State was again a tale of 2 seasons.  The Lions first defeated highly ranked Wisconsin 87-83 at home, then lost on the rhoad to that team from Ohio 79-67.  After the home win, fans stormed the court—no doubt a reflection of extended pregaming afforded students after classes were cancelled due to bad weather.  With this latest rhoad loss, the Nittany Lions are now winless on the rhoad for the season—prompting first year head coach Mike Rhoades to officially change his last name to Homer. - Michael Dinga Class of '86

2513 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Men's NCAA D1 (7-11 AMOV -2.33) - This past week Boston College came back late to beat Notre Dame, 63-59. But let's not focus on that. Rather, let's reflect on two things; 1. Last Friday was the 50th anniversary of the Fighting Irish's legendary upset of UCLA; ending their 88 game win streak. and 2. This (unrelated) quote from that UCLA team's center, Bill Walton, "My bike is my gym, my wheelchair and my church all in one". Ummm, what?   - Rick Condon

3174 St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Women's NCAA D1 (4-14 - AMOV -8.89) - A look at the box score showed "M. McConnell" led Duquesne to a 76-67 win over Bonaventure with a game high 17 points. Really impressive given that I’m pretty sure that a month or so ago I saw M. McConnell catatonic on Capitol Hill. - Isaac Howson

3482 Stonehill Skyhawks - Women's NCAA D1 (2-17 AMOV -18.95) - In a recent win over Wagner, Stonehill Women’s basketball junior guard Sharn Hayward made 11 3-point shots and was featured on ESPN. The only time anyone was on TV when I was at Stonehill was when there was a fight in a bar in Brockton and the local news was slow. 

Sharn is from Penguin, Tasmania (population 6,729) which is known for penguins and is 10,529 miles from Boston.  How do you convince your athletic director that you need to go on a recruiting trip almost as far away as the sun?  “Hey Boss!  I really need to go see this shooter from down under. There’s more penguins than people living there, but she can really shoot the rock”. Congratulations Sharn!   -BMC Class of '88

3519.Stonehill Skyhawks - Men's NCAA D1 - (2-19 AMOV -14.90) - In a loss to Merrimack this week Stonehill Men’s basketball used its 12th different starting line up tying it for third most in the country in the Division 1 level. Nice to be so highly ranked in something!

 -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Without Kenneth's statistical assistance Dave would be spending another 25 hours putting this together. Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help tracking down the nearly impossible to find stats for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 1/15/2024

1. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (16-0 - 38.24 AMOV) - Bree Hall shot an impressive 4-4 from 3 point range against Missouri. I hope she gets so good that the school has no choice but to name a building after her. Then they'd have to figure out whether to call it Hall Hall, Bree Hall Hall or just Bree Hall.

2. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (20-0 - AMOV 37.65) - Rock Valley just beat their last opponent, 105-44. And yet this other team only used 5 players. That has to be because they only had 5 players, right? I mean, imagine a coach telling his bench, "I want to get you in, but we are only down by 61."

3.NW Florida State Raiders- Women's NJCAA D1 (16-0 - AMOV 36.50) - The cost of tuition at NW Florida State is a mere $3,000 per semester. If you happen to be a parent who has recently paid a child's tuition bill at pretty much anywhere else, please lift your jaw off the floor.

4.Skagit Valley College Cardinals - Men's NJCAA D3 (17-0 - AMOV 35.40) - Jeffery Dean Morgan played for this team before achieving fame on The Walking Dead. That would lead to a great joke but for one small problem. This team is far from dead.

5.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (16-0 - AMOV 31.44) - Amongst the many positives of Hutchison CC is its pretty plum location. 1300 North Plum Street.

6.Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U-Sports - (17-0 - AMOV 29.12) Saskatchewan University is about 500 miles northwest of Winnipeg. That makes them a perfect fit for the ACC.

7.Patrick & Henry CC Patriots - Women's NJCAA D3 (6-0 - AMOV 33.33) - Patrick & Henry Community College notes it offers associate degrees - you know, as opposed to other schools that offer bachelor degrees. The separate Patrick Henry College notes it offers a "conservative Christian" education - you know, as opposed to other schools that offer a liberal Christian education.

8. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (14-0 - AMOV 29.71) Head Coach Meg Barber carries a roster of 21 players. 21! She clearly has an aversion to cuts. And yet she's an incredibly successful barber.

9. Webster Gorlocks - Women's NCAA D3 - (15-0 - AMOV 28.40) - In 1984 the school decided to combine the names of 2 campus streets, Gore and Lockwood, to come up with the nickname Gorlock. This very much disappointed the student NRA club who pushed for Glock.

10. Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (16-0 - AMOV 27.69) - A write-up on the school notes that it's on a picturesque Hartford campus. Come on. You can't ever put the word picturesque next to Hartford.

11.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (16-0 -AMOV 27.12)

12. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (15-0 - 27.27)

13. Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (16-0 - AMOV 27.12)

14. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (18-0 AMOV 25.61)

15.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (10-0 - AMOV 29.27)

16.Triton College Trojans - Men's NJCAA D1 (17-0 - AMOV 24.94)

17. Southern Nevada Coyotes - Women’s NJCAA-D1 (15-1 - AMOV 45.44)

18.Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (15-0 AMOV 24.93)

19. Lane CC - Women's NWAAC - (14-1 - AMOV 35.4)

20.Michigan Wolverines - Manger Games (3-0 - AMOV 30.3)

21.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (11-0 - AMOV 26.00)

22. Rhode Island College Amchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (14-0 - AMOV 21.57)

23. Oakton CC Owls - Women's NJCAA D2 - (15-1 - AMOV 43.50)

24.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAAD3 - (13-0 - AMOV 23.85)

25 Mt St Vincent NS - Men's CCAA (8-0 AMOV 26.25)

26. Minnesota State - Men's NCAA D2 - (16-0 - AMOV 21.69)

27. Portland CC - Women's NWAAC (11-0 - AMOV 23.91)

28 Red Deer Polytech Kings - Men's CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 25.83)

29 Algonquin College - Women's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 25.29)

30.Itawamba CC Indians - Women's NJCAA - D1 (8-0 - AMOV 23.00)

31.Daytona State Falcons - Men's NJCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 20.64)

32.Co-Lin CC Wolves- Women's NJCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 19.64)

33.Cape Fear CC Sea Devils - Women's NJCAA (10-0 - AMOV 20.89)

34. Dawson Blues - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 22.71)

35. Keyano Huskies - Mens' CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 22.83)

36. Catholic Cardinals - Women's NCA D3 - (15-0 - AMOV 18.13)

37. Davidson-Davie CC Storm - Men's NJCAA D2 (15-0 - AMOV 18.07)

38. St. Mary's AB Lightning - Men's CCAA (7-0 - AMOV 21.86)

39. Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks- Women's NCAA D3 (15-0 - AMOV 17.73)

40.South Plains Texans - Men's NJCAA D1 (16-0 - AMOV 17.00)

41. SW Michigan - Women's - NJCAA D2 (12-1 - AMOV 38.54)

42.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (16-1 - AMOV 36.06)

43. Clarke - Women's NAIA (15-0 - AMOV 15.27)

44. Brebeuf - Men's CCAA (6-0 - AMOV 19.67)

45. National Park Nighthawks - Men's NJCAA D2 (12-0 - AMOV 16.50)

46. Mid-Michigan CC - Women's NJCAA D2 (10-0 - AMOV 17.00)

47. Eastern Utah - Women's NJCAA D1 (15-1 - AMOV 34.44)

48. Kellogg CC - Men's NJCAA D2 (9-0 - AMOV 17.11)

49 Christendom - Women's USCAA (6-1 - AMOV 38.57)

50 Southern Nazarene - Women's NCAA D2 (14-0 - AMOV 14.36)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

290 - Bentley Falcons - Women's NCAA D2 (13-2 AMOV 12.20)- Bentley downed Malloy in the first of its four game religious section of the schedule. It will face Holy Family next, then Assumption and finally St. Rose.  Not sure if these schools have stained glass backboards. - Paul Nardizzi

334 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Women's NCAA D1 (12-3 AMOV 25.73) - From the advanced Irish analytics department: On Thursday, Notre Dame waxed Boston College by 50 points, 98-48. Up the road a couple hours later, the Milwaukee Bucks trounced the not-so-lucky Boston Celtics by 33 points, 135-102. A rollercoaster, indeed, but the Leprechaun emerged from his busy night in the Midwest with a respectable +17. - Rick Condon

609 - Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's NCAA D1 (12-4 AMOV 14.25) The Fighting Illini succumbed to an inevitable loss to an unranked team on Sunday as they joined seven other top ten teams to do so this week. Illinois only managed to shoot 32.8% from the field. While that is a horrible stat it's still probably a higher percentage than what DeSantis and Haley will get combined in the Iowa Caucus against Trump...and it didn't cost them $70 million. - Mike Hurley

625.Marietta College Pioneers - Women's NCAA D3 - (10-5 AMOV 8.33) - Marietta College plays its home basketball games in the famed Ban Johnson Field House, named after one of its famous alumnus who went on to become the founder and first president of baseball’s American League.  The Johnson family is happy to have been recognized this way, particularly in contrast with the "honor" received when a town Kansas decided to name its collegiate summer baseball team after him: the Bee Jays. - Mark Hoover

924.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (13-5 AMOV 8.72) - UVM fandom had their mind elsewhere this week as sports gambling began in Vermont on Thursday. Rather than seeing the Catamounts beat NJIT on Saturday, most of their fans spent the day coming to the realization that Bonus Bets on Fan Duel isn't just money you can withdraw to spend on Genny Cream and Hot Pockets. - Clayton Trutor

935 - St. John's Red Storm - Men's NCAA D1 (12-5 - AMOV 8.76) - Rick Pitino doesn’t take losing lightly. Following the Red Storm’s 66–65 loss to Creighton on Saturday in Omaha, Pitino offered a rather blunt statement on the loss: “I don’t feel good when we lose. I f------ hate the world. . . . I don’t believe in those ‘valiant efforts’ on the road. I feel like I want to kill myself, jump in the cold and die of frostbite.” Message to the SJU players: Temps this week in NYC will be well below zero so If you like your coach I suggest you beat both Seton Hall and Marquette! - Brendan Angelini

937 - Washington State Cougars - Men's NCAA D1 (12-5 - AMOV 8.71) Arizona took an unbecoming loss on Saturday in its last trip to Pullman as a member of the Pac-12 and coach Tommy Lloyd suffered a mild injury when he picked up his bag at the airport, which was heavier than normal because Washington State football coach Jake Dickert had stowed away for the trip from Pullman to Tucson. Reached for comment, Dickert said he was happy in his role and had no interest in the Arizona football job. - Shawn O'Neal

982. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (10-5- AMOV 7.67) - St Bonaventure dropped an 80 - 74 A10 game at home to the Fordham Rams. Chad Venning again led the Bonnies in scoring while Charles Pride recorded a double double but it still wasnt quite enough! The loss was a wasted opportunity for the Bonnies to improve to 2-1 in A10 play - but that pales in comparison as to how coach Schmidt keeps wasting 6ft8 Barry Evans on the bench - only giving him 7 minutes of play even though he is in the top 3 for steals and rebounding. Wasted away in Bonanationville!! - James Healy

1144- Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (10-6 AMOV 12.06) - Bentley hit on 23 three pointers to shatter the school record in a 106-71 win over Felician!  I think as a coach, what I’d tell my players after a loss like that is, if we don’t count their layups, mid range shots, dunks and all the free throws, we won this sucker 71-69. Good job. - Paul Nardizzi

1204. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (11-6- AMOV 6.59) - Bryce Hopkins Post Mortem Entry Week 2:  PC loses a bunch of games but lands a top tier recruit, which will be great for a year before he transfers.  You know it's a tough season when you are excited about players that haven't played yet.  I guess this is what it's like to be a Jets fan.  - Mike Rusconi

1298.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (9-6 AMOV 3.40) - Penn’s tallest player is 6-4 Dutch standout Floor Toonders. No word on whether her teammates call her “Ceiling.” But they should. C’mon. - David Yas 

1516.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (9-7 AMOV 5.69) - Penn spent a week off prepping for a big matchup against Cornell. Fans of “The Office” are just wondering whether the a cappella group Here Comes Treble will sing the national anthem. - David Yas

2124.Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (8-9 AMOV 2.76) - Penn State lost both of their 2 games this week—a home loss in a tightly contested affair to Northwestern 76-72 and an away loss to consensus #1 Purdue 95-78 in a game where the final score was much closer than the actual game ever was.  After hours of extensive research—including in-depth analysis of both pre-game info and post-game pressers from the coaches—as well as careful consideration of where this leaves the 8-9 Nittany Lions, my esteemed and informed take on the current state of play from this team is, in a word, “Meh”. - Michael Dinga Class of '86

2446 Notre Dame Fighting Irish - Men's NCAA D1 (7-10 AMOV -2.24) - Busy week for the Florida State athletic department. On Saturday, the Seminoles hoops team beat Notre Dame 67-58 for their fourth straight win. Two days prior, their football team was sanctioned by the NCAA for NIL rules violations. Come on, FSU , everyone knows cheating never pays off in the end. Just ask Michigan. Oh. Wait. - Rick Condon

2957 St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Women's NCAA D1 (4-12 - AMOV -7.69) - George Washington defeated the Bonnies 78-62 on Sunday despite having to trek there in a massive storm. Predictable. GW knows how to get results during bad weather ever since Valley Forge. - Isaac Howson

3391.Stonehill Skyhawks - Men's NCAA D1 - (2-16 AMOV -15.56) - With Stonehill’s non-conference play thankfully in the rear view mirror they can say goodbye to the 30+ point drubbings to the more watchable NEC conference losses such as the one this week to LIU where they lost by a mere five points (73-68).  Having such a tough start to the season Stonehill has only 14 remaining games to hit their stride. The good news these guys only have to endure 14 more games till they can plan for senior week on Cape Cod. -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Without Kenneth's statistical assistance Dave would be spending another 25 hours putting this together. Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help tracking down the nearly impossible to find stats for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 1/8/2024

1. Southern Nevada Coyotes - Women’s NJCAA-D1 (15-0 - AMOV 55.56) - College of Southern Nevada has a 100% acceptance rate. That's fantastic. Though imagine finding out you got rejected.

2. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (14-0 - 38.29 AMOV) - After being drubbed by South Carolina 79-29, Presbyterian decided it needed a more fitting nickname. But it couldn't come up with anything worse than Blue Hose.

3.Skagit Valley College Cardinals - Men's NJCAA D3 (15-0 - AMOV 35.86) - Skagit Valley's mascot is a cheerful cardinal.That's probably more family friendly than the one that better fits its name: a woman of questionable morals.

4. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (17-0 - AMOV 34.71) Yeah, I realize that 2 of the top 4 teams claim to be in valleys. But I'm telling you, they just keep winning.

5.NW Florida State Raiders- Women's NJCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 35.93) - I think the team's success could be destiny. Because they are shooting an amazing 51.4%? Nope. Because they are averaging 39 rebounds per game? Nope. Uh Dave, please tell me it's not just because they have a player named Destiny McPhaul. Yeah, that's it.

6.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 33.43)

Coach John Ontjes has won the "Kansas Basketball Association's Junior College Coach Of The Year Award" 6 times. That's huge. I mean it has to be in order to fit that name.

7.Temple College Leopards - Women's NJCAA-D1 (11-0 - AMOV 33.09) - Temple College is located on 108 acres in Temple, Texas. Most would consider 108 acres to be massive. Whereas those in Texas consider 108 acres to be a back yard.

8.Patrick & Henry CC Patriots - Women's NJCAA D3 (6-0 - AMOV 33.33) - There is neither a Patrick nor a Henry on the entire roster. My initial thought was that's because of the decline in popularity of those names. My next thought was because this is a women's team.

9.Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U-Sports - (16-0 - AMOV 28.31) Saskatchewan University's motto is "Be What The World Needs." I kind of think it should be "The Place To Go For Those Who Can' t Take The Heat Of Northern Montana."

10. Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (15-0 - AMOV 28.67) - Ben Callahan-Gold probably deserved to be named player of the game with his 18 points and 5 rounds against Bowdoin. But allow me to make the case for Paul Ippolito as having the best stat line for Trinity: 3 turnovers, 3 fouls, and 3 made free throws.

11. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (12-0 - AMOV 30.08)

12. Baylor Bears - Women's NCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 28.79)

13. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (13-0 - 29.23)

14.Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (13-0 - AMOV 28.43)

15.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (15-0 -AMOV 27.93)

16. Arizona Wildcats - Men's Wheelchair (9-0 AMOV 30.22) - 34.72

17.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (7-0 - AMOV 30.82) - 34.32

18. West Valley College Vikings - Men's CCCAA (16-0 AMOV 26.25)

19.Houston Cougars - Men's NCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 27.07)

20.UCLA Bruins - Women's NCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 27.07)

21.North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA-D3 (14-0 AMOV 27.00)

22.Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (13-0 AMOV 27.00)

23.Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's NCBBA (4-0 AMOV 31)

24.Portland CC - Women's NWAAC (9-0 - AMOV 27.78)

25.Houghton Highlanders - Women's NCAA D3 - (13-0 - AMOV 25.62)

26. Webster Gorlocks - Women's NCAA D3 - (13-0 - AMOV 25.38)

27. Michigan Wolverines - Manger Games (3-0 - AMOV 30.3)

28.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (8-0 - AMOV 28.88)

29.Triton College Trojans - Men's NJCAA D1 (16-0 - AMOV 23)

30. Mt St Vincent NS - Men's CCAA (8-0 AMOV 26.25)

31.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAAD3 - (11-0 - AMOV 23.18)

32. Rhode Island College Amchorwomen- Women's NCAA D3 (14-0 - AMOV 21.57)

33.Daytona State Falcons - Men's NJCAA D1 (12-0 - AMOV 21.92)

34.Itawamba CC Indians - Women's NJCAA - D1 (8-0 - AMOV 23.00)

35.Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (14-1 - AMOV 38.80)

36. Catholic Cardinals - Women's NCA D3 - (13-0 - AMOV 19.08)

37. Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks- Women's NCAA D3 (13-0 - AMOV 19.00)

38. Cape Fear CC Sea Devils - Women's NJCAA (9-0 - AMOV 20.89)

39. Vancouver Island - Women's CCAA (12-0 - AMOV 19.00)

40. SW Michigan - Women's - NJCAA D2 (12-1 - AMOV 38.54)

41. Davidson-Davie CC - Men's NJCAA D2 (12-0 - AMOV 18.42)

42.Niagara County CC Thunderwolves - Women’s NJCAA-D2 (15-1 AMOV 36.75)

43. South Plains - Men's NJCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 16.64)

44. Colin CC - Women's NJCAA D1 (12-0 - AMOV 17.58)

45. Trinity (TX) - Men's NCAA D3 (15-0 - AMOV 16.07)

46. Clarke - Women's NAIA (14-0 - AMOV 16.14)

47. Walters St. Men's NJCAA D1 (7-0 - AMOV 19.43)

48. Kellogg CC - Men's NJCAA D2 (8-0 - AMOV 18.62)

49. Benedict Tigers - Men's NCAA D2 (12-0 - AMOV 16.58)

50. Georgetown (KY) Tigers - Women's NAIA(14-1 - AMOV 35)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

346 - Bentley Falcons - Women NCAA D2 (10-2 AMOV 11.42)- The Bentley women's team lost a recent recent match to Holy Family. This was a game we were all lucky to have not seen. Bentley shot 25.9% from the field and also from three. Holy Family shot 7.7% from 3 and 32% from the field, causing the score keeper to accidentally record the game as Brickley vs Holy _#$&&!  - Paul Nardizzi

449 - Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's NCAA D1 (11-3 AMOV 16.71) After destroying Northwestern by 30 on Tuesday, Illinois headed to the middle of nowhere (West Lafayette, Indiana) to face the #1 AP ranked team in the nation--Purdue. While Illinois staged a huge second-half comeback in their second game without their star player, it wasn't enough to overtake the Boilermakers. But it wasn't so much the player-of-the-year (the freakishly tall Zach Edey) who was a problem for the Illini as it was Trey Kaufman-Renn who scored a career high 23 points. His name sounds like a Star Wars character, perhaps a cousin of Kylo Ren, and he had to summon all of the Jedi tricks he learned from his Uncle Luke to overcome the Illini's late game surge. The teams meet again in March, and we'll see if Kylo, I mean Trey, can once again summon forces from the Dark Side while in Champaign. He won't be able to use his light saber this time since Illinois has much stricter laws against those than does Indiana. (Note: any references to Star Wars were thoroughly researched for up to 90 seconds on Wikipedia).  - Mike Hurley

791 - St. John's Red Storm - Men's NCAA D1 (11 - 4 - AMOV 9.87) - Weather Alert!! - This weekend the Villanova Wildcats had to deal with two storms : first the St. John’s RedStorm won on their campus for the first time since 1993.  Then their fans had to drive home in a snowstorm.  Good thing those Range Rovers and BMW’s come in All Wheel Drive. - Brendan Angelini

806. Providence College Friars - Men's NCAA D1 (11-4- AMOV 8.93) - Friars fans worst nightmare: no, it's not the mascot...well, actually kinda yeah it is the mascot, have you seen that thing? It should be rated NC-17.  But seriously the Hopkins injury is a close second. - Mike Rusconi

820. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (10-4- AMOV 8.64) - The Bonnies stayed below the Mason Dixie line hoping to complete a 2-0 southern sweep but lost a tough game at  Richmond 65-54 dropping their record to 10-4  overall and 1-1 in A10 play. The Spiders played tough defense on the Bonnies who scored 44 points in the first half alone just 3 days before at VCU. The Bonnies head back north hosting back to back games vs Fordham & Rhode Island. Fans are hoping coach Schmidt can find fan favorite 6ft8 220 lb Barry Evans again who apparently can't be found to be put into the game!! - James Healy

1049 - Washington State Cougars - Men's NCAA D1 (10-5 - AMOV 9.13) In what could be their last trip to Pullman after more than 100 years, Oregon took an 89-84 win over Washington State Saturday night. The Ducks then had to walk to the airport through three miles of snow and wind in their game gear after their bus went missing and their dressing room was turned into a de facto garage sale during the second half by Wazzu President Kirk Schulz, attempting to recoup his school’s financial losses from the disintegration of the Pac-12. Oregon coach Dana Altman immediately fired his DOBO for failing to note the evening’s promotion was “Steal Oregon’s Shit Night.” - Shawn O'Neal

1058.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (11-5 AMOV 8.19) - Vermont starts the second semester tonight. They will not lose again this season until they have a 9:57 PM start time on Tru TV. - Clayton Trutor

1035 - Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (9-5 AMOV 10.79) - The Bentley men's team resumed play on January 3rd.  Since they played Assumption I made one. This game should should have been renamed The Hangover Bowl - Paul Nardizzi

1458.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (8-6 AMOV 2.64) - In Penn’s 79-66 loss to Columbia, junior Stina Almqvist was a bright spot for the Quakers with 17 points, though not quite the 24 points Almqvist's surname would be worth in Words With Friends. - David Yas 

1667.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (9-7 AMOV 5.69) - The Dartmouth Big Green were trounced by Penn, 80-51. The team will now be known as the Medium Green. - David Yas

1696.Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (8-7 AMOV 4.53) - Penn State went 1-1 for the week, losing badly at Michigan St. 92-61 before holding off Michigan 79-73.  The Michigan game was played at The Palestra, where associate coach Phil Martelli served as head coach for the Wolverines, as a gesture from Michigan’s head coach Juwan Howard for Martelli’s many years as head coach of St. Joseph’s.  The Nittany Lions have Phil’s son, assistant coach Jimmy Martelli, on their staff this year, as a nod towards guys named Jimmy. - Michael Dinga Class of '86

3268.Stonehill Skyhawks - NCAA D1 Men - (2-15 AMOV -16.06) - Stonehill suffered another tough loss last week going down 79-64 to Binghamton. This was the Skyhawks seventh straight loss. Things have gotten so bad for Stonehill hoops this early season the fans in Easton could be heard cheering for Bailey Zappe. -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Without Kenneth's statistical assistance Dave would be spending another 25 hours putting this together. Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help tracking down the nearly impossible to find stats for the wheelchair division.

Domination Rankings - 1/2/2024

1. Southern Nevada Coyotes - Women’s NJCAA-D1 (15-0 - AMOV 55.56) - The school is located in Clark County which makes me wonder if it was named after Clark W. Griswold. Why would I even think that? Because my family forced me to watch Christmas Vacation four times over the past three weeks.

2.Niagara County CC Thunderwolves - Women’s NJCAA-D2 (15-0 AMOV 39.93) - Niagara CCC originated in a former Nabisco factory. That made their campus the only one that smelled more like Oreos than beer.

3. South Carolina Gamecocks - Women’s NCAA D1 (12-0 - 41.17 AMOV) - The Gamecocks beat East Carolina by 37 last week. Even more impressive, they did so at East Carolina, which according to every US map does not exist.

4. Rock Valley College Golden Eagles - Women’s NJCAA -D2 (16-0 - AMOV 35.88) - Rock Valley beat Kishwaukee by 100 points. (Yes, 100.) Kishwaukee then beat Madison by 8 points. On January 16th Rock Valley plays Madison. I'll give you Madison and 100 points. Come on! How can you turn down 100 points?

5.NW Florida State Raiders- Women's NJCAA D1 (14-0 - AMOV 35.93) - The star of Amazon's series "Reacher", Alan Ritchson, is an alum. And after about a half hour of additional research I've come up with an undeniable truth: there is no relevance between that fact and this team.

6.Hutchinson CC Blue Dragons - Women's NJCAA D1 (12-0 - AMOV 33.42) Here's some information I'm guessing Hutchinson did not consider when choosing its nickname: Blue Dragons are 1.5 inch hermaphrodite sea creatures with S-like bends in their penises.

7.Temple College Leopards - Women's NJCAA-D1 (9-0 - AMOV 34.56)- Temple College should not be confused with Temple University or with College Temple. And yet it is.

8.Scranton Royals - Women's NCAA D3 11-0 - AMOV 32.91) - Maddy Ryan won the Peggy's Marinade and Dipping Sauce Scranton Athlete of the Week. Yes, Peggy's Marinade and Dipping Sauce sponsors the Scranton Athlete of the Week award. This begs the question: How do we get Peggy's Marinade and Dipping Sauce to sponsor the Domination Rankings?

9.Patrick & Henry CC Patriots - Women's NJCAA D3 (6-0 - AMOV 33.33) In 2021 the school added the ampersand between Patrick and Henry as part of the state of Virginia's mission to rename institutions named after slave holders. Ok. So now the school asserts its name is honoring Patrick County and Henry County. Makes sense - until you realize those counties were named after Patrick Henry.

10.Saskatchewan Huskies - Women's U-Sports - (16-0 - AMOV 28.31) Does Saskatchewan make you think of a sassy cat with teething issues? Just me?

11.Skagit Valley College Cardinals - Men's NJCAA D3 (12-0 - AMOV 30.25)

12. Trinity Bantams - Men's NCAA D3 (13-0 - AMOV 29.00)

13. Baylor Bears - Women's NCAA D1 (12-0 - AMOV 29.42)

14. West Virginia Mountaineers - Women's NCAA D1 (12-0 - AMOV 29.17)

15. Arizona Wildcats - Men's Wheelchair (9-0 AMOV 30.22)

16.Alabama Crimson Tide - Women's Wheelchair (7-0 - AMOV 30.82)

17.UCLA Bruins - Women's NCAA D1 (12-0 - AMOV 28.50)

18.Grace Lancers - Men's NAIA (13-0 -AMOV 27.77)

19.TCU Horned Frogs - Women's NCAA-D1 (14-0 AMOV 27.07)

20. North Essex CC Knights - Men's NJCAA-D3 (14-0 AMOV 27.00)

21. NYU Violets - Women's NCAA-D3 (11-0 - AMOV 28.18)

22. Mineral Area Cardinals - Men's NJCAA-D1 (13-0 AMOV 27.00)

23. Transylvania Pioneers - Women's NCAA-D3 (11-0 - 27.82)

24.Houston Cougars - Men's NCAA D1 (13-0 - AMOV 26.54)

25. Nevada Wolf Pack - Women's NCBBA (4-0 AMOV 31)

26.Johnson County Cavaliers - Women's NJCAA D2 - (8-0 - AMOV 28.88)

27. West Valley College - Men's CCCAA (14-0 AMOV 25.86)

28.Indiana-South Bend Titans - Women's NAIA (13-0 - AMOV 25.85)

29. Portland CC - Women's NWAAC (9-0 - AMOV 27.78)

30. Butler CC Grizzles - Women's NJCAA D1 (10-0 - AMOV 26.8)

31. Michigan Wolverines - Manger Games (3-0 - AMOV 30.3)

32.Triton College Trojans - Men's NJCAA D1 (16-0 - AMOV 23)

33. Mt St Vincent NS - Men's CCAA (8-0 AMOV 26.25)

34.Webster Gorlocks - Women's NCAA D3 (11-0 - AMOV 24.73)

35.NOVA SE Sharks - Men's NCAA-D2 (10-0 AMOV 25.00)

36.Houghton Highlanders - Women's NCAA D3 - (11-0 - AMOV 24.45)

37.Oakton Owls - Women's NJCAA D2 (14-1 - AMOV 42.93)

38. Lane CC Titans -Women's NWAAC (12-0 - AMOV 23.42)

39. NC State Wolfpack - Women's NCAA D1 (13-0 - AMOV 22.77)

40.Minnesota State Mavericks - Men's NCAA-D2 (13-0 - AMOV 22.54)

41.Oregon State Beavers - Women's NCAA D1 (12-0 - AMOV 22.92)

42.Brookdale CC Jersey Blues - Men's NJCAAD3 - (11-0 - AMOV 23.18)

43. Daytona State - Men's NJCAA D1 (11-0 - AMOV 22.73)

44. Amherst Mammoths - Women's NCAA D3 (9-0 - AMOV 23.33)

45. Itawamba CC Indians - Women's NJCAA - D1 (8-0 - AMOV 23.00)

46. Southwestern Moundbuilders - Men's NAIA (12-0 - AMOV 20.75)

47. James Madison Dukes - Men's NCAA D1 (13-0 - AMOV 19.77)

48. Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks- Women's NCAA D3 (11-0 - AMOV 20.55)

49. Campbellsville Tigers - Women's NAIA (13-1 - AMOV 39.29)

50. Cape Fear CC Sea Devils - Women's NJCAA (9-0 - AMOV 20.89)

Others Receiving Humor: - provided by real comedians and mostly real humor writers for their alma maters.

307 Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's NCAA D1 (10-2 AMOV 17.42) After moving up to #9 in the AP this week, Illinois kicks off its Big 10 schedule with a visit from Northwestern and their star player Boo Buie. I don't care that he averages 17.9 points per game or that he torched Illinois for 50 points in two games last year, his name is funny to say. Reminds me of Boo Berry cereal, or Yogi's pal Boo-Boo, or Baba Booey of Howard Stern fame. It's even funnier if you say it several times in a row--Boo Buie Boo Buie Boo Buie Boo Buie Boo Buie. - Mike Hurley

398. Providence College Friars - Men's D1 (11-2 - AMOV 11.31) - Jesus bumps the Friars two up from 25 to 23 in the AP Poll for not playing during his birthday week. - Mike Rusconi

431 Bentley Falcons - Women NCAA D2 (8-2 AMOV 10.20)- Bentley downed Malloy in the first of its four game religious section of the schedule. It will face Holy Family next, then Assumption and finally St. Rose.  Not sure if these schools have stained glass backboards.

 - Paul Nardizzi

625.Marietta College Pioneers - Women's NCAA D3 - (8-3 AMOV 11.09) - The team finished off 2023 with big win over Oberlin College who had been 9-1 going into the contest.   Following the game, the Oberlin mascot, Yeobie the Albino Squirrel, was asked what it thought about the result.  Apparently the mascot of very few words replied “Nuts.” - Mark Hoover

638. St. Bonaventure Bonnies - Men's NCAA D1 (9-3- AMOV 10.08) The St Bonaventure Bonnies won a 1 point thriller 62-61 over Akron. The Bonnies now take a 9-3 record into its A10 conference schedule where they begin with a southern swing down to VCU & Richmond. Lets hope the Bonnies feast on this southern cooking and return north licking their fingers. - James Healy

1184.Vermont Catamounts - Men's NCAA D1 (9-5 AMOV 8.79) - Vermont starts the second semester tonight. They will not lose again this season until they have a 9:57 PM start time on Tru TV. - Clayton Trutor

1186 Bentley Falcons - Men's NCAA D2 (7-5 AMOV 9.58) - Bentley hit on 23 three pointers to shatter the school record in a 106-71 win over Felician!  I think as a coach, what I’d tell my players after a loss like that is, if we don’t count their layups, mid range shots, dunks and all the free throws, we won this sucker 71-69. Good job.  - Paul Nardizzi

1280.Penn Quakers - Women's NCAA D1 (8-5 AMOV 3.85) - Penn takes on Columbia Saturday and then again on Jan. 27, as the rivalry is renewed between the two institutions that every Harvard and Yale kid employed as safety schools. - David Yas

1516.Penn State Nittany Lions - Men's NCAA D1 (7-6 AMOV 7.15) - Penn State finished off 2023 in style, jumping out to a 44-24 halftime lead on the way to a 90-63 defeat of Rider.  Sophomore guard Kanye Clary paced the Nittany Lions attack with a career best 29 points.  The Broncs—not the Broncos, but the Broncs—were led by redshirt senior Mervin James, who scored a team high 19 points and who, by law, is nicknamed “Swervin”. - Michael Dinga Class of '86

1523.Penn Quakers - Men's NCAA D1 (8-6 AMOV 5.86) - Penn fell to #3 Houston, 81-42. As my grandfather used to say, "in a fight between a cougar and a Quaker, take the cougar. No one ever got mauled to death by a Quaker.” - David Yas

3175.Stonehill Skyhawks - NCAA D1 Men - (2-13 AMOV -26.92) - Stonehill traveled to Durham New Hampshire last week for a match up against 7-3 University of New Hampshire. Stonehill remained consistent losing 75-62.  Attendance was 410 which is 2.7% of the UNH student body. Sounds discouraging until you realize Republican Presidential Candidate Chris Christie spoke to 57 freshman co-ed’s, two librarians and an on the clock janitor at nearby Keene State University a few day’s earlier. -BMC Class of '88

Others Receiving Praise:

Kenneth Massey - Please check out It's amazing.

Luke Hutchinson & Elijah Yoder - Huge help tracking down the nearly impossible to find stats for the wheelchair division.


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