$1,000 CBT Tournament Brackets Game 2025
$1,000?!! Uh Dave, isn't CBT a non-profit? How can you afford $1,000?
Well, we guilted a few people into some donations so we figured it would make most sense to give it all away. You know, instead of improving this website, hiring a marketing expert, ​or paying anyone other than our damn accountant. (No offense, Fred.)
But I think you have a typo in your heading that says Brackets instead of Bracket, Dave.
No typo. Brackets plural is correct. This game includes the brackets for the Men's D1 Tournament AND the Women's D1 Tournament - fitting with CBT's non-profit misson of "equality."
Got it, so how do we play?
First you kindly donate $25 or more (all tax deductible) via the box below, if you are using a phone, or above on the right, if you are using a computer. And then you gain access to BOTH the men's bracket game AND the women's bracket game.
Note: Your donations will appear on your credit card bill as made to "The Charitable Corporation of College Basketball Writers."
Do I have to donate in order to play.?
You absolutely have to donate at least $25 in order to play and avoid being a cheap bastard. If you are amongst those don't mind being a cheap bastard then you can technically and unfortunately play without donating. But please know​ that I have relatives in New Orleans who I'm pretty sure are skilled in the art of vodoo.
Ok what's next?
We are using Yahoo's bracket site. Our winner(s) will be the person with the most points in the men's bracket, and the most points in the women's bracket. If one person wins both brackets that person will receive a $1,000 gift certificate to an online retaier. If there are separate winners for the men's and women's brackets, each will receive a $500 gift certificate. And if there is a tie, that $500 will be split accordingly.
How do I get to the Yahoo sites, Dave?
Once you donate, the passwords and Group Id #s will immedatiely appear in a "Thank You note" and they will be emailed to you too.
Or you can send an email to CBT's Board of Advisors Chairman, Mike Hurley at MikeHurley70@yahoo.com stating you are a cheap bastard and don't want to donate a mere $25, but you'd still like to play. Mike will then shoot you over the passwords & group id #s. Passwords obtained any other way will lead to entry disqualifcation. (So don't give your passwords to others.)
To Register For the Men's Bracket click https://tournament.fantasysports.yahoo.com/mens-basketball-bracket/register/joingroupform​
To Register For the Women's Bracket click https://tournament.fantasysports.yahoo.com/womens-basketball-bracket/register/joingroupform
But before you click above you need to make sure you have a Yahoo id - if you don't, you'll need to create one first. ​
Deadline is Thursday 3/20 at noon - or whenever Yahoo shuts it down.
Looking for help with your brackets? Check out CBT's "Facts & Funny" columns by clicking here
Will they help with my picks, Dave?
Probably not, but they might make you laugh.
Dave Barend - Grand Poobah
College Basketball Times.
P.S. - Members of CBT's board are allowed to play, but any winnings will be donated back to CBT.